233.Epilogue 1

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After Minho got prisoned, he didn't stay alive for long. Within three days, he killed himself when he reached the peak of his mental condition and physical sanitisation. Just like his father, he broke a mirror and used it's sharp edges to stab himself directly into his throat. But in that three days, he had been to hell a number of times.

Three months passed by.

But everyone in the family stayed back at country X to spend some time together.

Lisa is around five months pregnant and her stomach started to swell more day by day.

However, that was least she could worry. She is now being treated like a queen who could have everything just by a flick of her fingers. And she is enjoying it pretty well too. Jungkook always stayed by her side, a wife slave indeed. The only problem is his over protectiveness.

He always overreacts, whenever she puke or feels exhausted. He would bring the hell down to earth with his overthinking.

On the other side, this family is now her love. Mainly the twin brothers Jason and Woojin along with their girlfriend's Valarie and Allison.

Today, everyone gathered in the main mansion of the Jeon family to celebrate Jungkook's and Lisa's anniversary. Not of their marriage but of the day they reunited together. It's been one year, they met again after she reincarnated. Not many people know the significance of this day but they are aware that this day is very important for the couple.

"You look beautiful like always." Jungkook said as he hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. His hands caressed the baby bump as he looked into her eyes through the mirror. Lisa has also gained weight, now looking a little chubby. And, Jungkook liked her more like this.

"Am I not fat?" Lisa asked, pouting.

"With the little guys inside, of course you will look fat." he said, trying to comfort his wife.

Yes, it's twins.

They just confirmed it a few days back and they are yet to announce it to the family. Which, they decided to do today.

"So, you are saying that I am fat? You are agreeing that I am ugly" Lisa fired up, due to her pregnancy hormones. "No baby, I don't mean to say that '' Jungkook hurriedly corrected his short tempered wife but it's too late. She kicked him out of the room. And, this is not new to him. For the past few months, he has been scapegoating to his wife's anger.

The most pitiful thing is everyone is to his wife's support but not to his. However, this kicking out is just for an hour. Not more than that. So, when Jungkook personally prepared her favourite breakfast she let him in, only to get awestruck.

His pregnant wife got ready in such a way that she is now more beautiful than before.

"You know baby, you look more beautiful than before" he said as he served her breakfast. Lisa pouted. "So, you are saying that I am not beautiful before!!" She asked angrily.

'Hell!! Brother in law is right about pregnant women. Never bring the topics related to beauty' Jungkook thought. Seeing his face Lisa couldn't help but laugh. She snuggled into him and sat down on his lap.

"Three to four months more and we will have our twins with us" she said, placing his hands on her stomach. A smile blossomed on Jungkook's face and he kissed her forehead. "But promise me that you will not ignore me by concentrating on this little Fellas" he whispered into her ears, making her giggle.

"I can't promise you know." Lisa teasingly said.

"Hey!! That's unfair! I should be your priority" he pouted and soon the laughter filled the room.

In the evening. Even Yeji and her husband Hyunjin arrived. They married the very next week after Minho's death and even Lisa and Jungkook went. Yeji is six months pregnant, around one month more than Lisa. However, her stomach isn't as big as Lisa's because she is not having twins. Jisoo and Jin were also there and they decided to marry after Jisoo gives birth. Just like Yeji, she is one month older than Lisa's.

Adding up to this, Jennie is now taking treatment to recover. Due to the poison used on her by Minho, she is still weak and fragile. Taehyung is taking very good care of her and her recovery rate is considerably beyond extraordinary.

With all the four couples present, along with the new generation couple, Jason and Woojin with their girlfriend's Valarie and Allison, it felt totally lively in the party. As it is just a family party, no one except the closed ones are present.

"So, what have you guys decided about White shadow organization?" Taehyung asked Jungkook and others.

"After watching those people, we can't actually deny that they are trained well. It will be a shame if we punish them for nothing" Jungkook told.

"Many of the agents working there are forced to take that path because of the blackmail from Minho. Now, we have set them free however, after being in organization for this long, they simply couldn't opt the other way" Lisa said. Though she is pregnant, she didn't sit in the home everyday. Until last week, she was helping the council with white shadow organization who lost their king and are in chaos.

Meanwhile, Yeji stayed calm because her husband doesn't know about her reincarnation secret. She decided not to tell and everyone accepted her choice.

"So??" Yeji asked while she took a bite of her favorite dessert. White shadow organization is after all her grandfather and father's hard work before Minho totally messed it up.

"It will remain as it is and the people who are proven innocent will continue working in it. However, for little change they will no longer mingle in illegal activities but work for council and other means that help for welfare of countries and people '' Jungkook told as he squeezed Lisa's hand under the table. His wife always gives the best support he could ever think of. Yeji and others nodded their heads in approval. "And, me and Woojin decided to go on a world trip together with our girlfriend's. After we see our little cousin's we will go" Jason told.

As Woojin was locked up by Minho in the same country for all his life, he didn't get to enjoy his teenage years. Now, he is back to his real family who supports him for every choice he takes. He is happy that he took the right choice. "And, I will be going back to the army after I see my niece's or nephew's," Hwasa said. Lisa told everything to her sister, even about her reincarnation. So, Hwasa knows everything now. After giving birth, Lisa decided to help Jisoo in their fashion line and also continue being the super model which Yeji once was.

Of course everyone respected her choice and decided to support her after knowing that it was her childhood dream. But that doesn't mean she will stop working in council. She is still the second in charge and not to mention that 'she' is supposed to be the heiress of white shadow organization. (Yeji is the heiress but after reincarnation, Lisa has to be the one to play that role.) Like every other woman in the Jeon family she decided her own path along with fulfilling her passions. And, coming to Jungkook it's as usual. Being the CEO of Jeon corporations and the first in charge of Council he is as busy as ever. But that doesn't mean he will not spend his time with his family. Family always comes first! It's like a perfect and invincible family together....

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