212.Sehun's end

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"This is important mission, Bella. And I put my faith in you, so don't disappoint me" he said.

Bella, the imposter of Hwasa Walker nodded her head.

"Go upstairs. Our medical staff is waiting upstairs and they will help you to simulate your body. Don't fail me Bella" Minho said and went away.

Bella nodded her head and as soon as she went, the doctors and scientists working under white shadow organization started injecting the serums into her.

They should make sure that council will not suspect her mind injury.

Everything should look so perfect and natural.

That was too much for Bella to handle the effect of serum. It is too painful to withstand and she must control her mind.

Otherwise, she will lose the mind.

That is the side effect of the serum.

It effects her brain and when the doctor do the scanning and other stuff like that, this serum will make sure that results will favorable in supporting their lie that she is having amnesia.

And it has to be injected into her for every one week and whenever they inject, Bella has to sleep for at least half a day to withstand that pain.

And in order to help her to tolerate the pain they have to give her anesthesia. The high amount will knock her to sleep for at least half a day and sometimes, in worse case it might extend to more than a day as well.

However, Bella don't have a choice.

Just like Taeyeon, her military doctor and their military chief she was blackmailed by Minho too.

However, there is something different when compared to them. After seeing the money and the luxury Minho is providing, she slowly got addicted to.

So addicted that she is his frequent bed warmer.

Bella continued her sleep for the whole half day and then went to country X, accompanied by some of her so called colleagues from military base Hwasa Walker used to work.



After giving punishment to Emma, Pranpriya went to Sehun's prison.

As soon as he saw her he ogled at her but only to get beaten black and blue by the soldiers of council.

How dare this bastard ogle at their young ma'am!!

If their sir or other members of Jeon family would have seen this, they would have surely throwed Sehun into the ocean as a feast for wild aquatic animals.

Lisa rolled her eyes and sat down on the table across the table and asked her men to release Sehun Ye from the chains.

Though they are against this idea of their young madam, their sir Jungkook told her to follow her orders.

Sehun who at last could flex his muscles sighed in relief.

"Sit" Lisa ordered.

Sehun who is egoistic didn't feel to follow her orders.

She is after all someone who asked him for his help once.

Now, she is ordering him!

How on hell hell he could act like a puppet in her hand.

No way!!

Not even on his death body!!

Meanwhile, the soldiers who saw Sehuns' passive reaction stormed forward and gave him a nice beating and dragged him to chair and made him sir on the chair across their ma'am.

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