211.The true Villainess

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"Nice to meet you, Mr. Walker. Hwasa use to talk a lot about you and her childhood memories with you people. I am sorry for what happened to her but I promise, she will be good soon. It's just her memory that isn't proper, so, please don't stress her to talk about something" she said.

Uncle Zack, loves Hwasa more than his own child, if he had one. So, he is really shaken up to core after hearing what happened to his young princess.

In that sadness and guilt, how could he suspect someone. That too, if they are sent by the military in which his niece worked for many years.

"We will listen to you, ma'am. Let me show you the hospital belongs to our council people. They will help you in everything that you need" he said.

Uncle Zack took Taeyeon to the security department of the council.

They have to identify her as the legitimate doctor of military of country A.

"Doctor Taeyeon, please don't feel bad but this is our procedure to ensure security. We want your retinal scan and blood sample" Uncle Zack told.

Taeyeon nodded her head and went through all the procedures. She doesn't have to worry about anything because she is the real doctor.

What has spoiled is her mind.

After all the procedures, council's soldiers bowed to her slightly and showed her around.

She is baffled.

The technology in council's hospital is top notch. It is not yet introduced to real world yet.

She didn't think council to be this advanced.

After getting shocked and mesmerized by everything, she finally settled in the suite they provided to her.

She tried to contact white shadow organization but the security is top notch.


Lisa went to Emma's prison room.

And as soon as Emma saw Lisa, she stood up very angry.

Lisa promised her that she will let her go.

But as soon as the work is done, council's people prisoned her and brought her here.

"You...you are a liar, a cheater. You don't stand on your word" Emma shouted.

"Stand on my word?? I am not a saint, you witch. How did you even think that I will let you go even after what you did. You still have to face the karma you acc.u.mulated because of all your sinful deeds. Everything will be paid off you bitch. You will pay for the every girl who got killed due to your selfishness. You ruined many innocent life's to let go without getting punished" Lisa said.

"And, you wanna know what your punishment will be??" Lisa asked.

"How about I show you, rather than telling" Lisa asked and clapped her hands.

As soon as she clapped, many soldier's rushed inside.

"Take us to third floor please" she asked.

Soldiers widened their eyes "But ma'am... we are restricted to go inside. Especially, sir might not allow you to enter the forbidden floors. They are dangerous" main in charge said.

He knew how doting their sir is towards their madam. Even on scratch on her body will bring hell down to the earth.

"I am chief, second in command. I can do whatever I want right" Lisa asked, frowning.

Meanwhile, Jungkook walked inside and kissed her forehead in front of everyone.

"You can do whatever you want, honey. You can override my commands too" he dotingly said.

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