229.I am not a good person!

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Soon, Jungkook and Woojin reached the same island where Soohyun and Jungkook discussed till now.

"You know what Jason, I just found out something interesting about our family. You will be shocked too" Jungkook told.

Woojin frowned but nodded his head.

Jungkook led Woojin into the room where Soohyun has preserved the memories of his second son.

And, when Woojin saw everything he acted innocent and surprised.

"Well, this is something I just found out yesterday night. Later I asked your father and then only I got to know about this secret room. You might be wondering for whom your dad has bought all of these." Jungkook spoke, looking at Woojin who seems so emotional but hiding it from showing up on his face.

"You have a twin brother who died the very day you both are born. But your dad didn't tell anyone about his existence. When I found out that, initially I had blamed him for that but after finding out how much your dad had been dying inside, I felt pity for him."

"He didn't wanted you and your mother to feel bad because of his death. You do know how much your mum loves you and your siblings." Jungkook told.

Meanwhile, Woojin who had half a ear listening Jungkook, was very busy in looking at everything.

Jungkook smirked seeing Woojin whom who was stunned.

Jungkook has high hopes on Woojin. He is confident that he can make Woojin realize who are good people.

He is after all his sister and brother in law's blood. He is good by his heart but he is just brain washed by someone bad.

"However, Jason, I found out that your brother isn't dead. He is alive but your aunt Eunha gave away him to our enemies. They blackmailed her with her life and she didn't had any option. Those people were so monstrous and they would have stoop too low for taking him away" Jungkook said.

Woojin was so shocked and he stared at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Shocked? I am shocked as well. But I am more worried if he will hurt his parents. If they find out that their son is alive but in enemies side, they would rather give away their life for him."

"They will happily give away their life's for him and so will all of us. And the enemies might have been aware of how much we value our family, Jason. We are invincible from outside but if it comes to our family we are vulnerable. And, they are using him to target us" Jungkook told.

Woojin stared at Jungkook with shock. He didn't understand how Jungkook found out that he is not Jungkook but his twin Woojin.

Jungkook walked towards Woojin and wrapped his arm around him.

Woojin chuckled.

"So, my dear uncle found out that I am not his nephew. Didn't think you would figure this out this sooner. No wonder brother Minho had planned everything from years. Still, you guys were able to crack it" Woojin said, sarcastically.

He isn't afraid of these people.

He is more than aware that they will not even raise their voice against him let alone harm him.

In fact, they would give away their life's for him if it comes to that point.

Jungkook shook his head slightly.

Woojin is no different compared to Jason. Not only they are identical but they are similar in many ways.

"Woojin, you are my nephew too. You are no less equal to Jason for me for rest of out family. Please stop helping Minho. You aren't abandoned by your parents and they aren't anything similar to what Minho told to you. My sister and brother in law... who are your mother and father, aren't even aware that you are alive. If they would have known you would have been surely rescued."

"I believe you have enough IQ to differentiate between who are good and who are bad. You must know who the victims are how your enemies are" Jungkook told.

"I know that you informed Minho about my wife's pregnancy and I am sure you would have given him information he needed to destroy council and our family. It won't be too long he makes his attack. However, we aren't angry on you Woojin and we are not blaming you for this. All we plead you is to return back to our family. We just want that. We are not asking to help you or, we aren't cooking up some plans with ulterior motives. We genuinely want to reunite with our lost family member" Jungkook said.

"If you are still not satisfied with my explanation, this is the living evidence of how much your parents love you. Even before they knew that their son is alive, they had loved you this much. Just think of how much they will love you once you come back" Jungkook said.

Woojin sighed.

"I wasn't a fool you know and I am definitely not a puppet in anyone's hands to follow them blindly and believe their every word. Yes, I have hated my parents, I have hated all of you for abandoning me" Woojin started speaking.

"But it didn't last long and after I grew up, I started questioning myself who are good and who are bad. Minho might have contained me very cautiously and had showered me with his fake love but I am not stupid to differentiate between the true love and materialistic love."

"Without knowing to anyone I found out who my parents are and after that I started observing them. Though I wasn't allowed to go out, I had my own people in there and they helped me to stalk my parents. I used to often get information from them how much they love their children" Woojin told, his voice grave.

"I was about to proceed further and dig into my past but Minho started suspecting my secretively. Then Sister Hwasa came. She was my br- she was Minho's girlfriend or, at least acted like that. One day she sneaked into my place to meet me and it was only when she narrated me everything that has happened. Sister Hwasa and your doctor friend Eunha are friends, so, Eunha told Hwasa about everything."

"And, sister Hwasa told me everything that day. Later, she just vanished and later I found out that she got caught. I tried many times to free her but I couldn't risk it. Then only I decided to fail Minho for how monstrous he is."

"So, uncle Jungkook, you don't have to explain me everything and ask me to help you. Though I am totally okay with you guys, I at least know who are good and who are bad" Woojin told.

Jungkook was so, so shocked.

He didn't expect Woojin to this pure by his heart. Though he is his sister's son and had her goodness in him, he was raised by a monster who is none other than Minho.

But it seems like he is no less than Jason in paving his own way.

"Woojin, I am happy to know that you are in our side. I am proud of you for not becoming the second Minho. Minho is your uncle, my cousin, but he is totally inhumane. I am glad you didn't turn that way" Jungkook told.

"But I am not as good as you guys think. I am bad too" Woojin smirked.

Jungkook laughed. "No one is totally good. Even we did some bad things" Jungkook told.

"Woojin, do you know where your brother is kept? You took Jason's place, but, where is he??" Jungkook asked.

Woojin smirked.

"He found out about my existence long back." He said.

Jungkook widened his eyes.

"How? I never knew. So, you guys met before?" Jungkook asked.

"One day when I was visiting one of the friend of Minho, Jason accidentally saw me. But we didn't talk that day and Jason has searched a lot for me" Woojin laughed.

"You think he was in world tour till now? He is busy in finding me. Though he didn't know that I am his brother, it might be our blood connection that drew him to me." Woojin told.

"And, we met fee days back. I went to meet him because I know that he was the next target of Minho. I wanted to warn him" Woojin told.

Jungkook chuckled.

His nephews are just nineteen years and they are already acting like grown ups.

"So, you were telling that Jason knows Minho will kidnap him but didn't do anything" Jungkook asked, amused by this. 

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