219.Lisa in hospital!

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After video stopped, Jungkook looked at Soohyun and others.

Soohyun is looking like he would burst with anger.

No one dared to touch his family till now!! Especially his children.

Everyone knows how protective Soohyun and Jieun or towards their children and no one dared to even bad talk their children.

Jieun is the ruthless business woman with is feared by many business shots. She is also the best doctor who is also respected by many other people all across the country.

Whereas, Soohyun is the head of Summers family and the CEO of three big conglomerates who is also the top leader of underworld in country A.

But now, everyone in the room are quite shocked how Minho found out where Scarlett is.

"What will you do now, Soohyun?? I am worried about my grandchildren" Jungkook's father, Julian asked.

"Dad, don't worry. I will ask Jason, Scarlett and Sage to come back to country X right away. They will be safe in main mansion till this Minho will be taken care of" Soohyun said.

"But Soohyun, Scarlett at last got her chance into Olympics. She has practiced years to get nominated into that. Now, if you ask her to come back-" Jungkook worriedly told.

"Moreover, you never said no to anything Scarlett asked. And, this is the main point of her life, Soohyun" Julian Braxton said.

"I know dad. But she will be safe here and there is still a month left for her competitions. I will appoint the best teacher for her and make her prepare in country X itself. If Minho is dead by her competitions she can go without any restraint but if we are yet to take care of Minho, I will have all my team's following my daughter." Soohyun said.

Of course, everyone understood that.

children always comes first.

"I will call Sage and ask him to come back from his academy" Soohyun said.

Sage, Scarlett's twin brother is in academy for genuis minds.

"I will call back Jason and ask him to stop his world tour and come back with his girlfriend." Julian said.

Soohyun nodded his head.

Meanwhile, Jin informed their teams to fetch Scarlett and bring her back.


In five days,

Jason, Scarlett and Sage came back.

The whole mansion turned lively.

Even Jungkook and Lisa moved back to main mansion.

As promised, Scarlett got her gymnastics teacher.

It was almost evening and Lisa is seeing Scarlett practice.

To be accurate, Scarlett and Lisa are like best friends. Though she doesn't know about reincarnation of Lisa, they turned out to become friends.

At first, Scarlett used to complain that she likes Lisa sister more than Linda and she even cried for days when Lisa died.

So, when Lisa got to know about this, she felt moved because of this little kid's love for her.

"Ty, come let's play" Scarlett playfully tugged Lisa's sleeve.

"Let's do gymnastics together. You are already flexible and agile. It will be awesome" Scarlett said, clapping her hands.

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