224.More suspicious

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"And, please tell me what you wanted to ask yesterday. I promise I will listen to it with uttermost seriousness" Jungkook said.

"But please don't give me cold shoulder like this. See how my eyes have become without proper sleep" Jungkook pouted.

Lisa melted down and she couldn't help but turn around and hug him.

"I just wanted to know if white shadow organization has this technology of changing people's faces and duplicate the imposter with same face. Can they somehow manipulate people DNA too so that no one will get suspected" she asked.

Jungkook frowned but he continued hugging his wife.

It isn't totally impossible.

With the enough time and modern equipment coupled with experienced scientists nothing is impossible.

If Lisa's thoughts are somehow related to finding the mole planted by Minho, Jungkook couldn't help worry.

Then it will not only be very difficult to identify the mole but also in whom they have to trust.

Moreover, if Minho really planned this, he must have did it long ago and would have made that preparations before months ago.

"Kook, What happened? Was my doubt somehow connected to your leads?" Lisa asked hopefully.

She knew very well how Jason is. He is such a sweet heart kid who would always talk non stop.

And he would never betray his family for anything.

However, after seeing Jason back in the garden, acting all sneaky and secretive, Lisa couldn't help but have second thoughts.

She questioned herself if Jason would do this?

But she right away could tell a big No.

He would never do that. So, when she thought about it, she couldn't help but come with this only theory.

And, Lisa have also talked with Scarlett about her Big brother Jason. Even she told her that he is acting weird and distant.

'I think he is disturbed and sad that sister Valarie isn't talking with him' Scarlett said at night, when Lisa went for sleep over.

Meanwhile, Jungkook nodded his head horizontally.

His lead isn't connected to her theory but Jungkook started to get suspicious about few people.

"Baby, what made you think in that way? When did you approach with such a theory" Jungkook asked and he noticed that she is shivering a bit.

How could be forget that Lisa is still in her towel. Blaming himself, Jungkook helped her with dress while she answered his question.

Brina have actually thought to tell him what she heard from Jason last night. But Jason and Jungkook are very close that she didn't had heart to create a drift between uncle and his favorite nephew.

So, at the last second, she decided to enquire this matter and then come to a proper conclusion before talking to Jungkook about it.

"I just asked. It just came into my mind randomly when I have thought who this moles could be" Lisa said.

Jungkook nodded his head and kissed her lips. Savoring them for few minutes he parted his lips, just enough to talk.

With their foreheads touched, he caressed her cheeks.

"See, you are getting tensed and stressed because of this out of box thoughts of yours. You do remember that from today you will be in the bed rest right?" Jungkook asked.

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