209.Hwasa's imposter

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But she thought that it is not possible. After she found out that her parents didn't die in accident but white shadow organization killed them, Hwasa started working on her own mission.

She wanted to find out about everything that lead them to her parents death.

That lead her to military in country A. She found out that her parents were working with military of country A when they died.

So, she asked her uncle Zack to let her join in military and he agreed for that. With her connections on council she managed to get a citizenship of country A and joined in military.

She gradually worked on her career and reached a position where she can propose her own mission.

It took her almost five years to achieve this.

And after that she started her own mission on white shadow organizatio.

In that process she find out that Pranpriya who is Jungkook's childhood sweetheart is actually the heiress of this assassin organization.

But after hearing that Pranpriya is back and she is acting like she is adopted sister of Kim Lalisa, Hwasa couldn't do anything but wreck her mind what is happening.

Even her cousin Kim Taehyung and their friends are living the truth. So are her grand parents.

She even got to know that Pranpriya is now on lawfully wedded wife in Jungkook Jeon.

She is now very, very curious if what is happening there. But what can she do?

She is helpless.

She is a prisoner of Minho, the king of white shadow organization. She is able to find out information only when someone tell her.

Meanwhile Minho laughed seeing her plight. "Come on honey, wake up. Why have you been so dull now a days? Are you fed up of waiting for help?" he joked.

"And, don't feel so happy that Soohyung Summers is forcing military to send you back home. Let me tell you babe, no one will even find out that you are missing" Minho said.

"It is because we have long back planted an imposter of yours, hon. Just in a fifteen days after you have got caught by us, we have did a plastic surgery to one of our trainee and have long sent her to occupy your place. So, she will be the one to take your place in your home" Minho said.

At this time, Hwasa couldn't help but laugh. All of these people are thinking that Pranpriya is a adopted daughter of Kim and Walker family.

But as soon as her imposter go to country X they will find out the truth.

"Hey... hey, dear sweet heart, why are you laughing? Do you think we are fools... huh??" Minho asked as he grabbed her chin and made her forcefully to look at her.

"Ahh..... even after torturing you this much, you are as beautiful as the first day we met. How wonderful have you been when you tried to seduce me!! Our first night is still vivid in my mind" he whispered.

"But, you. .. you tried to kill me on the very next month if our wonderful relationship" he darkly chuckled.

"I would have died rather than getting on to your side. I would even sacrifice myself you to kill a sc.u.mbag like you, you bastard" she scoffed.

Minho grunted and slapped her rashly.

"I know that darling... that's why I came to tell you that your days are bring counted." Minho said and stood up.

"And, lemme tell you my dear, I already know that Pranpriya isn't any adopted heiress of both your maternal and paternal family. So, your imposter will be careful enough not to let others find out that she is not you. At least till she find out the truth and as well as the most important information about council and Jeon's family" Minho told.

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