232.The final battle 2

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After Woojin and his friends helped them to escort unconscious Hwasa to country X, Taeyeon killed Bella, the imposter of Hwasa when she was in her sleep.

When Hwasa got free, Bella gave away her precious life. It made sense that karma is a bitch.

Later Woojin took the people to the uppermost floor where the security was too dense. However, with the people he had, they easily outnumbered them.

While there was a bloodbath happening there, Lisa asked his tram to mask it from Minho's surveillance.

Though she could do it, her stomach started to churn and the strong sense of nausea hit her due to her pregnancy. Moreover, she didn't want to see such distraught things while carrying the baby. It will surely affect the precious innocent life. Meanwhile, Woojin and his girlfriend hastened to Jason's prison room. They haven't seen him for almost two weeks and they are very scared of what might have happened.

Miraculously, Jason was left unharmed. Though he seems a little skinny compared to before, everything seems alright except for that. He was sleeping on the rock type of bed but woke up when he felt someone opening the door.

"Woojin, at last" Jason said, nonchalantly. He was not even scared by a bit. He is looking as if he came here for fun.

"Am I late, Jason?" Woojin asked his twin brother, a little worried. "I was so bored. No one to talk to, no internet and no games. Yeah!! You are late" Jason playfully said.

Woojin's girlfriend couldn't help but sigh. They are identical not only by their face but also by their character. They don't fear for anything. Seems like it is in their blood itself.

"Jason, didn't Minho try to harm you?" she asked while she helped Woojin and Jason to take the secret staircase. "He did. But I am smart enough with my words. Moreover, Woojin advised me how to manipulate Minho" Jason told. She nodded her head and passed the guns to the brother's for safety.

Then, they safely left the place with others' help. While others distracted the enemies, Woojin's girlfriend Allison's dad helped them out to escape the place. From there, they took the direct route to the main headquarters of White shadows organization where the real fight was happening.

Meanwhile in headquarters.

Jungkook and Soohyun reached the main chambers where Minho will be staying.

Their people are busy handling the guards of white shadow organization, so they are now alone.

Meanwhile, Lisa helped them into the chambers by hacking the doors. And, when they reached the place which resembled the penthouse, they understood that they reached the place where Minho will be.

They targeted their guns all alert while watching out each other's backs, they climbed upstairs only to stop at the massive hall which has a majestic and royal like chair in the middle of the hall.

The person sitting on it with a gun and a Ipad in his hands is none other Minho, the man for whom they were searching all the time. It seems like, council's team failed somewhere, allowing Minho to view through what's happening in his fort.

"You might destroy my kingdom and kill my people, but you can't kill me. Not when I have your beloved family members under my control" Minho said, his voice deep and dangerous. He resembled a lot like his father.

"Now, put your guns down, or else you will regret" he nonchalantly said. He actually didn't expect the council to find out about him fast. He had his guards down because this is his territory and the council can't manage to bring their people here. However, he was utterly wrong. He underestimated them!! But, no worries. He has Jadon and Hwasa with him and till they are in his hands, he will be safe.

"You must keep your guns down or else the grandson of both Summers and Jeon's family will be dead. Not one heir but two" he said. He is literally helpless now. He can't even lift his gun because he is facing two most dangerous people.

All he has now is his brain to work upon. However, right now, he couldn't think of anything and in the first place he couldn't even contemplate how his calculations took the wrong way. He is not understanding what has gone wrong and what step has led it here.

Meanwhile, Soohyun and Jungkook didn't shoot him but kept their guards up. They want Jason and Woojin to come here. Woojin particularly asked them to wait because he wanted to witness Minho's end with his own eyes. After all, he is the reason why he couldn't stay with his family.

"Don't you understand? I have Jason and Hwasa Walker in my hands. As soon as I die they will die too" Minho said. "And, Soohyun Summers, your son isn't dead" he said, however, a frown marred his face when he noticed the indifferent expressions on their faces.

"Yes, I am not dead and you can't kill my family too" a voice came, startling Minho. It's Woojin! And his eyes widened when he saw Jason with Woojin. All safe and sound.

"Wondering what's happening, Minho" Jungkook asked as he took a step forward.

"Your plan just backfired on you. That's the reason you should never mess with family bonds. It pulls the family members back to their home....real home. Just like how Woojin came back to us and turned your game against you" Jungkook said. " And, for your kind information, don't wait for someone to come and help you. Let me tell you, what happened. Your maternal uncle and his people died as well. Just now"

"And, your people, the rebels in white shadow organization are also dead, including Bella, the imposter of Hwasa," he said. Minho couldn't help but widen his eyes. All of this happened just in a week's time.

Does that... does that mean Woojin knew everything before itself? And, he truly underestimated Jungkook. It's not even been a fair amount of months he found out who the enemy is, but Jungkook managed to destroy his people in China including his uncle too.

"Woojin, Jason... what shall we do with him?" Jungkook asked. For a person like Minho, death is the kindest mercy for which he isn't worthy of. "I heard how Minho's dad, my uncle got killed. Why don't we apply the same to him as well? '' Woojin asked.

"Whatever you wish kids" Jungkook chuckled and in the meantime, Council's people surrounded Minho and took him away. The punishment is simple but painful.

A serum will be injected into Minho. This serum controls his brain to increase the anger levels and bloodl.u.s.t. A particular person could be made as a target by increasing the grudge against the wanted person. It is a perfect type of weapon, a human weapon. But for little change, they will manipulate Minho's mind to hate himself, therefore, making himself a target to kill. After this they will throw him in a cylindrical shaped isolated chamber which will be full of mirrors, nothing more or nothing less.

So, whenever he sees his image he will beat himself and harm himself. This is used on Minho's father as well and he died by killing himself using the glass mirror. He stabbed it into his own throat and head. Now, it's Minho's turn. ..... 

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