202.In the private jet

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"Let us all raise a glass to the wonderful couple, my beautiful sister and my best friend" Taehyung's fluent English bloomed around the hall as everyone raised their glasses and toasted together.

"Now, everyone will be coming to us to give us their own toast. Love, be attentive and you will right away figure out who will be the loyal people to us" Jungkook whispered to Lisa as the guests started roaming around again.


After three hours, Lisa sighed in relief and slouched into the couch.

As Jungkook promised, he introduced her to everyone who will play an important role in matters related to council as well as underworld.

And, as she thought it was quite exhaustive. For the first time, she felt tired bring center of attention.

But it is worth of her time and her brain cells. Though those people are complex minded and tricky, Lisa managed to see past through them.

Though she is not yet clear minded about those people, she at least got a basic idea about them.

"Tired love?" Jungkook asked, as he sat beside and wrapped her in his arms.

Lisa softly hummed and leaned on to his sturdy chest.

"A little" she whispered.

"You should get used to this, wifey. Becoming Mrs. Jeon that too mistress of whole household isn't easy" Jungkook chuckled as he caressed her cheeks and kissed them.

"I won't mind if I get this special care and pampering from you every night" Lisa answered making Jungkook laugh.

"You don't even have to ask" he whispered.

The guests have left, leaving the family members and couple alone.

As everyone are busy in sending off the important people, Jungkook and Lisa once again got some time for themselves and by the time the family have returned upstairs, Lisa is fast asleep in Jungkook's arms and Jungkook have also dozed with his face

buried in Lisa's hair.

They are very well exhausted indeed but they still have long night to spend.

"We should wake them up" Lisa's grandmother, Madam' Kim gently spoke.

"She is too tired honey. I don't think she has energy to attend the banquet in China as well" Elder Kim told to his wife as he tenderly gazed at the couple who are fast asleep.

"Grandfather, Lisa is stronger than we think. After Jungkook come into her life she have become the best version of herself" Kim Taehyung answered as he and his wife, Jennie walked into the room.

"And, she won't appreciate if we leave without telling her." Jennie told.

"Let's ask her itself. If she is adamant to attend banquet, she can come" her grandfather in law, Elder Kim told to Jennie.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's father, Julian Jeon came inside.

"She is still the daughter of Kim family. This marriage wouldn't change anything uncle. She can still visit you people whenever she wants. She can stay there how many days she feels like to. It is just that she got another family who will take care of her, dote on her just like her own family does." He told.

It is always like this. When a daughter from any family get married, her family will have a feeling that she will become distant with them. That feeling will intensify when her home and marital home are half way across the globe.

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