208.Dumpling or Rice ball?

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The party is very lively and every one started giving toasts to the newly wedded couple. However, Lisa didn't touch any alcoholic items. She gave a reason that her doctor said not to drink because of her health issues.

Jungkook couldn't help but look at his apologetically every time she denied consuming alcohol. He started getting more and more guilty for not being careful. And, at the same time Jungkook could not deny that he felt extremely moved.

Though they aren't sure that she is pregnant and the chances are considered fair that she might not be pregnant, yet his wife is being as careful as a pregnant lady. He could not stop imagining how over careful she will be once they confirm that.

At one hand, he felt very excited that he might become father. Since he is thirteen Jungkook has been seeing many cute babies from his siblings, cousins. Every time a little baby or babies are born, their houses would always fill with happiness and excitement to see them grow up.

He uses to love them so much and play with them. Now, he couldn't wait to love his own baby and play with her or him.

"Kook, man.... why are you spacing out a lot today! Is something really wrong or were you excited about something else." Taehyung asked.

They are sitting on the main table and Jungkook didn't even blink his eyes as he fixed his gaze on his beautiful wife who is talking to the guests.

"Nothing" Jungkook said, still staring at his wife whose hand is instinctively lying on her stomach.

"Kook, I have been seeing you and Lisa since today morning. She isn't taking alcohol.... which is her favourite and you are looking ay her with worry and concern.... Mostly at her stomach region. Man, what happened? I am her brother and you are my friend. You can't possibly hide anything from me" Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook sighed.

"You can expect a niece or nephew. We can't exactly tell but it might have happened yesterday" Jungkook answered in a low pitch voice.

"Well, that's unexpected. But congratulations on that.... both of you" Taehyung said.

"All I hope no danger will come. If that happens there will be nothing, I will regret more than that" Jungkook said gulping away all the wine.

"Then, all I could suggest is that get this thing completed soon. All this stress and restlessness will do nothing but worsen Lisa's health. You can't forget that she is still recuperating after that major accident" Taehyung said.

"Yep. We thought of going for a ten-day trip but I think, we will cancel it and get into work as soon as possible" Jungkook said.

"That's good to hear. I can help as well" Taehyung offered.

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head slightly. "No, I can't ask you that Taehyung. You and Jennie has already been through lot just because you are involved in our matter. Me and Lisa might not be able to forgive ourselves even if something happens to both of you all again" Jungkook reasoned with Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed. "We will be always there to help you and Lisa. Me, Jennie, Mingyu and Park couple...all of us" he said and patted Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook smiled and nodded his head. "We will remember that" he simply answered.

"And, I have a gift for both you and my sister Lisa. You gave us a wedding gift but me and Jennie didn't give you both your marriage gift" Taehyung told.

"And, what could it be?" Jungkook asked, slightly interested.

"That will be" Taehyung pointed to the man sitting at one of the tables, talking with other guests.

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