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"And, we met fee days back. I went to meet him because I know that he was the next target of Minho. I wanted to warn him" Woojin told.

Jungkook chuckled. His nephews are just nineteen years and they are already acting like grown ups. "So, you were telling that Jason knows Minho will kidnap him but didn't do anything" Jungkook asked, amused by this. Woojin chuckled when he heard his uncle's question.

He scratched his head and took a glance at Jungkook who is looking at him with keen interest. "Well, that's complex to explain" Woojin replied. Jungkook sighed. He didn't know what to tell. He can't blame Woojin here, because, even he knows how helpless a nineteen years old boy could be while facing an inhumane man like Minho.

Sensing Jungkook's silence Woojin chuckled inside. "Aren't you angry on me, uncle?" he asked. "I already told you that I am not an good person, uncle. I am a selfish person" Woojin told. However, Jungkook felt as if this boy is testing him. So, he decided to keep his cool self.

"I am not angry on you Woojin. And, I am not blaming you as well. You have grown up all alone with out anyone who genuinely cares for you. Anyone in that place will think selfish" Jungkook told.

"You aren't a bad man, Woojin. I believe that. Otherwise, you wouldn't have kept Valarie away from this. You didn't wanted your brother's girlfriend to get tangled up in this mess and you never tried to get close to her" Jungkook said.

"I already have a girlfriend, uncle. I am not interested in other woman" Woojin told. "And, I am not that selfish and monstrous to send my own brother into a death trap. That too to someone like Minho. I will not deny that Jungkook is kidnapped but I can assure you that he is in good and trustworthy hands. Though, those people still follow Minho, they are my people, well, to be accurate they are my girlfriend's father's people and they will help us to some extent. But, uncle, me, my girlfriend and their people can only help you to some extent. It's more like, we can only help you to save Jason, Taeyeon's son and sister Hwasa. Our forces can only take few things into our hands. But, rest of the remaining must be handled by Jeon family and council.

All we can do is to help you in rescuing our people. But, attacking the base.... My forces will not be enough. You should depend on yourself" Woojin told. Jungkook stared at Woojin for few seconds, contemplating whether to trust him or not. It is not that he do trust his nephew but he can't risk anything at this peak level. Especially when Woojin himself is hinting him to invade the main base of whit shadow organisation. But, Jungkook doesn't have any choice anyway!

They are running out of time and they risk and make a move. Woojin of course understood what's going on in his uncle Jungkook's mind. Woojin chuckled and said, "You can trust me in this. I am in your side and I am not acting as double spy for Minho." He explained. Jungkook nodded his head but asked the question which was eating his brain since he found out on whose side Woojin is.

"If you are really in our side, then, why did you tell Minho about my wife's pregnancy. You should have kept it as secret from him. I am now worried if Minho will target my wife and unborn child" Jungkook told.

"Uncle, you are underestimating Minho. He have ears everywhere and I can't hide everything from him. As I said, I am selfish person!! If Minho gets suspicious on me, My girlfriend will be his next target" Woojin told.

"And, I have seen how much you love and protect aunt Pranpriya from every single danger. So, I thought you can handle this much." Woojin smirked. Jungkook sighed.

When it comes to girl friends and wife's, everyone are selfish. Even he would have did the same.

"Hmm... I cam Pryce my own wife" Jungkook told.

He couldn't help but wonder how a nineteen years old teenager could think of all these. He is cold by his heart and the environment in which he had grown up is the reason for this.

"Woojin, are you willing to meet our family as yourself and not as Jason?" Jungkook asked.

He should act fast or else many life's will be at stake.

If Minho finds out that Woojin is no more in his side, he will surely be enraged. After all, Woojin was his ulterior weapon to destroy Jeon's and summer's.

It better if they make a move before Minho cook up some backup plan and escape them. Then, the history will repeat again and persons like Minho will come again.

In meanwhile, Woojin gave it a thought and nodded his head. He admit that he is nervous and equally excited. This is after all the first time he will be meeting his own parents and family.

Meanwhile, Soohyun who just found out the truth that his second son is alive and first son is missing, decided to tell his wife everything.

He knows that he can't keep this from her anymore.

First, he went to Jieun and started telling her everything. He was so, so scared that Jieun will get angry on him and give him a cold shoulder, but like always she wondered him with her level of understanding. In return, she even thanked him for not forgetting their son even he died. She got very emotional and cried thinking how much her husband would have felt the heart ache on their son's birthday. Yet, he didn't tell her anything.

This shows how much he loves her. But, Jieun couldn't help but worry about her finest son, however, when Soohyun assured her that Jungkook is taking care of that matter, it is only when she cooled down a little bit.

Now, she couldn't help but feel like meeting her lost son.

Soohyun who couldn't contain her excitement and happiness, decided to take her to island where Woojin and Soohyun are having their conversation. But, later he ecided to give Jungkook and Woojin sometime. Soon, the words spread all around the house, of coursez excliding the maids and staff. And, everyone started looking forward to meet Woojin.

At last, even Lisa sighed in relief. So, her confusions and suspicions took them in this way. Though Minho knows that she is pregnant, Lisa didn't worry much. She thought how happy this family is and it was enough for her to feel glad that she eavesdropped the conversation. .... Soon, Jungkook and Woojin entered the house.

However, it was very empty and Woojin sighed in relief. He isn't accustomed to a lot of crowd and attention. What he doesn't know is that, everyone did this for him. As they got aware of the environment in which he lived till now, they understood that he wouldn't appreciate the emotional reunion. He needs to talk to his parents first. Reunion with them and later, everyone can welcome him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook said, "You should go and meet your mother Woojin. She knows everything. Your dad told her about you and she is eagerly waiting upstairs"

The only difference in Woojin and Jason is, Woojin has sea green eyes like his mother while Jason has blue eyes. Till now he covered it with eye contacts.

Woojin nervously nodded his head and went upstairs. After Woojin disappeared, Jungkook went to see his wife. He should thank her for evetything. Without her, they wouldn't have figured it out this fast.

The next day... After Woojin reunited with his parents, he met everyone one by one. More than his parents, he got close to this thirteen years siblings. He felt so happy and at last, that emptiness in his heart started filling up. He could to control his emotions when he met his parents who got overwhelmed. After very long, he cried for the first time.

"So, what have you decided to do with Hwasa's imposter?" Lisa asked her husband.

"Let's kill her" she asked. As Bella isn't good and did many unforgivable things, Jungkook nodded his head.

"Baby girl, I will leave everything to you. But, let's finish with Minho first" he said. "So, when are we going to make our move" Brina asked. Jungkook caressed her cheeks. "Day after tomorrow. Our forces from underworld have already started. We should just make sure our council teams will not get spotted by Minho when we enter his territory" Jungkook told.

"Kook, I want to help you guys too" Brina asked.

This time, Jungkook didn't deny. "You weren't allowed to enter the feilds but you have sit in our safe house and leas the tech teams" Jungkook said.

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