216.Minho has his own background?

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Jungkook smiled, feeling proud of his wife's unique thinking.

"I thought of it as well, love. But why did he add my brother in law's family into it. You know that he is adopted son right? What if Minho has enmity on Jeon family from long back?" Jungkook asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Lisa asked, wriggling her eyebrows in confusion.

"What I mean is, we all know that Minho was adopted by Pranpriya's grandfather before he knew about Pranpriya being his actual heir. By that time Minho's age is approximated to be around thirteen or fourteen years." Jungkook said. He remembered these from the information his spy passed.

"What I am guessing is, Minho would have been aware if who his real parents are. As they died in his childhood, he would have been aware of how they died. What I was anticipating is, he and his parents somehow connected to council. I mean his parents might have been killed by council and he is aware of that."

"As a revenge, he would have been thinking of ways to destroy council. As council is mainly ran by us, Jeon's and my sister's marital family, Summers, Minho would be waiting to destroy both the families." Jungkook said.

For now Jungkook couldn't think of any other reason why Minho would have spoke like that.

Meanwhile, Lisa frowned and she sighed.

Yes, this is actually relatable too.

"What if Pranpriya's grandfather actually thought took Minho as his adopted grandson because of this. Pranpriya already told us that White shadow organization has hated Council from very long back." Lisa spoke.

That true.

Being the head of a notorious assassin organization, Pranpriya's grandfather must select a person who can help him to destroy their greatest enemy.

But sometimes, more than training and other matters, determination and revenge are far effective in achieving something.

Especially if their target is too dangerous to risk their life's

"I think Pranpriya's grandfather was aware of who Minho is. If Minho directly got attention from such a man, his identity would be powerful too" Jungkook frowned.

"I must warn my sister and brother in law about this. They have three kids and they are far vulnerable now. But, if this is a false assumption, this would successfully divert them from helping council to find about white shadow organization and Minho. If this is what he wanted, we ourselves would become the people who helped them" Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know what to do, Lisa. Tell me, what do you think of this?? Is this information reliable or, are we getting tricked by Minho" Jungkook asked.

Lisa shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips.

"To be honest, both the aspects seems likely to be true. For now, all we have to do is be careful and keep our family safe."

"If, Minho really planned an attack that could destroy family from inside, this would be fatal than anything. Council will fall just by his one act. We are not that easy to crumble to grounds, Jungkook.

All we have to do now is to be strong" Lisa comforted her husband.

Jungkook sighed and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

He couldn't contemplate on what to do.

If he concentrate on finding Minho and if his threat is very real, Jeon's will fall down and everything they did till now will go waste.

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