231.Final battle 1

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Brina nodded her head, agreeing with him.

Though she wants to kill that bastard Minho by herself, she couldnt risk going into the battle.

She should also think about the baby in her stomach.

If something happens to the tiny life...

Even that thought made her shiver.

That night, Jungkook and Lisa made love as it was the last night they would be spending before facing the enemies.

Though Minho has lost all his backup plans and doesn't know about the danger that is marching right into the heart of his white shadow organization, they are still afraid.

After finding out his special identify as son of Jaxon from Woojin, others have been worrying ever since.

They didn't expect Minho to be one of the Jeon's.

That too as the hidden son of Jaxon, their most dangerous enemy on the past.


Two days passed by...

And, everyone from the council's inner circle are present.

They have all their elite teams and tech teams ready in their positions.

While the council decided to make a direct and open attack, Jungkook ordered his people from underworld to wait for the right time before entering the main base of white shadow organization from the other side.

In this way no one will be able to escape the clutches.

While Jungkook made sure of this, Soohyun deployed his own people in assisting Woojin.

They should first save both Hwasa and Jason before coming back to the head quarters to help as the back up teams.

On the other hand...

In China...

Taehyung, Mingyu and the Park couple accompanied by Pranpriya, are also in their own plan of attack.

As Lisa is helping Pranpriya is taking revenge on Minho who is the reason of her death, Pranpriya is also doing the same.

She is helping Taehyung and others on planning the attack against Austin, his boss's and Minho's uncle.

As this organization is not as powerful as White shadow organization, they didn't feel like they need more man force.

Tech warriors are mostly sufficient in hacking their base and turning the technology into their own weapons.

However, Jungkook and Taehyung have recently took power from Sehun and Kai after their tragic deaths.

So, they had enough man power to destroy that organization and as well as Austin.

These both attacks will be happening on same day and same time.


The early morning of the attack....

Lisa is hugging Jungkook very tightly, not at all happy to let him go. She badly wanted to keep Jungkook infront of her, never leaving her sight.

"Baby girl, I am going to be fine all right. Don't look at me like that... as if something is going to happen to me and I will never return back to you" he teased.

Lisa pouted and smacked his arms angrily.

"Do you know that you are making me more nervous and angry? You should actually cajole me but in return you are making it worse. Now, I am feeling like I will puke" she gritted her teeth.

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