Chapter 13: Castle Mill

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Current end of Draft 2!!

A/N: Warning violent chapter! Please do not do what my little psycho does as a method of problem resolution! You'll get the jail for it!

A/N: Warning violent chapter! Please do not do what my little psycho does as a method of problem resolution! You'll get the jail for it!

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After splitting off from Sammy and his contract buddy, we headed out into the woods tucked at the back of the condominium.

The first mile into our hike was peaceful. We walked down the path, continuing until we reached an old iron fence that had lost its ability to keep anything in or out decades ago. A rusted, no trespassing sign only complemented the decay aesthetic of it all.

After we crossed the gaping hole in the fence next to the gate, we continued down the remains of a gravel path and, despite my best attempts at small talk, my contract buddy remained silent. Another mile of pathway and silence, until we exited the forest and had finally reached it, the mass of weathered brick, rusted metals and decaying structures.

"Contract buddy, wait a second." I said. Sean stopped.

I took the metal bat I had sticking out of my backpack and a container of ghost goo, opening it up and coating the barrel and end cap along with my hands. 

Maybe he's just freaking out about being around ghosts? 

I move the container towards him. I made him an offer, 

"If you want to shift and coat your claws in this stuff, it could make you feel a little calmer knowing you could fight back." I held it out only for him to ignore it. He then said, 

"First, doing that makes my bones break and reform, it hurts, second I'm not helping you murder someone." He said before turning back towards the factory. A smile formed on my face, 

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, buddy. You can't murder something if it's already dead." I said as I sealed the container back up and put it away.

"I'm only supposed to watch you." He said with a tone that he was having none of this.

Alright, let's just be direct.

I stood back up and put my backpack on, 

"Look, I know you don't want to be here and you probably don't like me, nor do I particularly care. Just remember, best case I solve your family's issue. Worst case, we go our separate ways and occasionally have awkward run-ins in the parking lot." I said. Sean looked at me until he finally said. 

"Let's just get this over with." With that, he headed for the building and the rusted metal door. I then called out to him, 

"Hey contract buddy, we need to head to the main entrance. Just follow me." His head slumped a bit as he sighed then returned to me.

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