Chapter 33: No Going Back

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I finished getting dressed, after finally getting a shower to wash off all of my dried blood. I gave myself a look over in the mirror. My hair just needed to be styled. I checked my phone, and sighed.

"Ughhh, it's only 6:30PM when the hell will this day end? I just want some rest." I said to myself.

It's ok. You went to the lake in the goddamn pouring rain and sure; the rain washed off most of my blood. But standing in the damn rain while I waited for that green fucker was awful!

I let out another sigh as I styled my hair.

Whatever Daryl is dead, his corpse is in the lake, and I'm gonna make his sister suffer next. Not sure how we're going to do that yet, but the others will be there and we can figure out something.

Finally looking presentable, I then stepped out to the hallway and entered my bedroom to see Sean and Sammy waiting for me.

Guess they were quicker than me.

"Alright, let's go." I said as we headed for the door that lead back to my condo. As I the clicked, I opened the door to see the master bedroom still cleared of blood like it was when we were returning through here from the lake.

Ok, it's not as bad as the last time I walked through here. Once I renovate this place, I can make some more happy memories here. Right now I only got ripping Alexander's jaw off his face for refusing to leave my property.

With that, we went through the door to the office and, as we began our walk down the hallway, I spoke,

"Okay, so Eunie is going to be freaking out over me if the call she gave me is anything to go off of and I already feel bad enough about that. Sean, from what I heard in the background, Cassie is also freaking out about you." Sean then said,

"Yeah, she's probably been for a while now, but you know she's still mad at you, right?" Sammy then said,

"I wonder why that is?" I turned to him and saw him on his phone. My eyes narrowed as I shook my head.

"I'm going to apologize to her and even offer to let her kill me when I get my death reset back. If that's not a wonderful offer, I don't know what is!" I said, turning forward as we continued to pass doors in this nearly endless hallway.

Seriously, if someone offered me an apology that included murdering them, I'd forgive them, then fuck them up.

We reached the Pines family door and after it clicked and we entered, I saw a few people, including Eunie.

"Seppy!" I moved forward and into the kitchen as she reached me. She threw her arms around me and wrapped me in a hug, "Are you okay?" I could hear her faintly cry as she continued, "I was so scared! Samara said you almost died!" I tightened my grip on her.

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