Chapter 24: Mimosa's And Murder

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"G-G!" Eunie said as she swiftly moved towards Samara, who had dressed to her usual standard with a white plaid patterned tweed blazer, white turtleneck with golden chain necklaces. A black faux leather skirt that went mid thigh to and left a small gap before her black thigh-high boots. Her hair, shaved on the back and sides and a light blue for the for the fade. The top, a wispy, forward, brushed mohawk made of a mix of light blue, white, and hints of light purple set to the side of her face. Her golden hoop earrings, blue lipstick and eyeshadow complimented the colors.

I then saw Marissa as she stepped out from behind the pair. She wore a dark blue dress, with white and pink flowers with sandals, and her dark brown hair let down with wavy ends. Her clothing and jewelry were much more conservative compared to Samara.

The contract we had is now completed meaning the distance rule is now off so I won't die if I get too close to her. Let's hope the next contract doesn't have this stipulation.

As we approached, I then said. "Damn, you look good! You ready to take some pictures?"Samara laughed as she pointed to the area to the right. 

"You know it, they got a backdrop for them right over there. Let me just get one thing set." She moved to the host stand. "Everyone is here, but we're just going to get some pictures quick." The hostess responded, 

"No problem, Miss Taylor."

Eunie always loves to take pictures, print them out, and share them with us, and someone very special to her.

As we reached the white wall dotted with the restaurant's name and logo, Eunie then went to Nico and handed over her phone. He took it and waited as the four of us got into position. Samara then said 

"Ok I'm in back since I'm taller than you all, Sammy, you and Eunie on the sides of me, and Vincent get in front of me since you're short." I let out a quick laugh 

"Works for me." I said as we got in position, I turned to see Samara put her arms around Eunie and Sammy, then lean forward to get her head next to mine as she pulled the others closer in. I faced forward, as Samara said. 

"We're good!"The phone then made the click sound when Nico said. 

"Ok, let me just get one more." We heard the phone click again when Samara released the others from her grasp. Eunie approached Nico. 

"Thank you! Let me get some pictures of the three of you! I bet your parents would love the pictures!" Nico then took his spot as he looked at his siblings.

Marissa moved forward while Sean stood in place. She stopped, and without turning to him said, 

"Sean," He then went forward with her. Once they were in place, they took a picture of the three of them standing together with some plain smiles.

A pretty basic photo.

"Ok, let's do a fun one now!" Eunie said. "Nico, why don't you pick Sean up?" She said as Sean failed to escape his big brother and lifted into the air. Nico held him up above his head and held him by the shoulder and waist. 

"At least I can lift you Seannie." Nico said as he flexed while holding his brother up. 

"Nico, put me down!" Sean said as Nico laughed at request and Marissa's smile grew from the chaos.

Look at that, a crack in her mask.

Her smile then faded and she looked to be saddened and conflicted for a moment before returning to her stoic default.

Hmm... Interesting. 

"I got it!" Eunie said as she moved towards the siblings, Sean reunited with the ground as Eunie gave Nico his phone back. As we were exiting the area, the hostess appeared. 

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