Chapter 17: Places to See

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Upon our re-entrance to the admin offices, I saw the four other ghosts relieved to see the two of us.

"You're alright?" Alden asked.

"We thought something happened to you when Harvin started yelling." Allison said.

"Is that blood on your clothes?" Diane asked.

I looked down and saw blood had splattered on my tank top. I was going to do a look over before we headed out but glad I always pack extra clothes. Their questions continued until I spoke.

"Alright, that's enough questions!" They went quiet from my response. "I had to deal with the guy who showed up, like Luke. He earned his way to hell, so I dealt with him."The group then looked like they were getting ready to fire off questions again, so I spoke first, "So, what did you all decide? Do you want to move on or stay?"I stood in anticipation of their answers.

"I want to go." Allison said.

"As do I." Diane said in agreement with Allison.

"The three of of us are remaining here." Silas said surprising the two women.

"Silas? Why do you want to stay here? You don't think Vincent can handle Harvin?" Diane asked, as she then looked to the boys. Silas turned to Diane. 

"Diane, until that monster is gone, I'm not leaving. The boys feel the same." He said, his voice filled with conviction. Diane looked to the three. 

"If you've decided, then I can't stop you, but you all owe us a visit once you join us up there." She gave them a smile before Silas spoke.

"You got it, Diane." They looked at each other before the pair returned to me.

"Vincent, we're ready. What do you need us to do?"Diane asked promoting me to get the soul cubes I pulled out earlier, setting them on the ground, I then said, 

"Ok, you're both going to stand over these. After a few seconds, you'll feel a slight pull like a current in a river. Just go with it and you'll enter the cubes."I said, followed by a question from Diane.

"How do we get to heaven from there?" Diane asked, I nodded then said.

"Great question! I use my phone to offload your souls to an exchange center. You get traded to an angel who can pass you on and I get damned souls for how much you're both worth." I explained. "If you're curious about how long it'll take, don't worry. It's like being knocked out for a surgery. You'll just wake up and be in heaven." I said when they looked to each other, then stood over the cubes. A few seconds passed when Allison said, 

"Oh, I think I feel it." she looked to Diane, before Diane could reply, the bodies of the two women began to fade away, beams of light shining like bits of sunlight through a cloudy sky formed from them. For a moment they floated above the cube as radiant ball until they entered and the light faded. Only the two cubes with snow white lines remained. I picked up the cubes, 

"Alright, you're all set." I said to myself, then looked around and spotted a door with a sign:

Winslow Castle, President 

"Be right back. I'm going to get changed." I said to the remaining ghosts. As I reached the door I grabbed one of the keys I got this morning, a Triangular one in the same color and a hole with a chain wrapped through, I activated and hung it on the door. 

Nothing will happen until I link the other one at home.

I stepped into the office and felt like I was in the sixties, or rather the rotting remains of it, as I looked around and took in the warped wood panel walls, weathered brown carpet, and the once bright colored fabrics of the furniture that faded over the decades. The other end of the office held a large desk that had taken some abuse from the years of wet air. Long dead plants that dried out decades ago stood next to it. Like the factory, it was once full of life, but now it's only its decayed remains stood.

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