Chapter 19: Setting Things In Motion

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"Everyone, I'm calling it a night here. See you all for the next stream on Tuesday! Deadpan Dan out!" I said as I muted my mic and put up the stream over graphic.

I looked at my phone and saw it was nearly 10 pm. I then sent a message to Vincent.


-My stream is over. Where do you want to meet up?


-Head to the living room. I'll fill you in on everything there. Oh, I should be back in. minute, but let you know when I'm here.

I left a thumbs up on his last message.

"Nico?" I said as I looked over at the werewolf passed out on my bed. "Nico!" I said louder, causing him to jump up.

"I'm up." He said, "What are we doing?" He asked as he came back to reality, I then said.

"Meeting up with Vincent and Sean. From there, we're going over the plan to deal with Harold." He looked surprised at my answer.

"Already? It's only been a day, and he already has a plan to kill him?" He asked. Getting up from my bed.

"Vincent moves quick, especially when he wants something." I said as I ended the stream. With that, I heard a door open from the hallway. Footsteps approached as there was a knock on my door.

"Sammy! It's presentation time!" Vincent said, before his footsteps faded into the distance.

I looked at my desk and took my phone along with my notebook that contained the information I got from Greta throughout my morning with her.

"Let's go." I said to Nico.

Once we joined them downstairs, I saw Vincent waiting on the couch, a stack of papers in front of him, and Sean standing next to the couch.

Let's see what he's got this time.

"Hey Sean, how was your day?" Nico asked to his brother as we took the chairs across from them.

Sean then approached his brother, "We went to an abandoned factory where I witnessed two murders-" Vincent then cut in. 

"Sean, we talked about this. You can't murder a ghost. You witnessed A murder, not two." Vincent said, putting emphasis on the 'A,' as Sean shook his head.

"Why does that matter?" Sean asked. 

Vincent then sat back as he said, "Sean, it matters because you're going to have to report back to your sister soon enough and I won't have you misrepresent me." Vincent then leaned forward, "Or be subject to such slander!" Sean scoffed at his reasoning, 

"Sorry. I guess I can just tell her you bashed a ghost's head in with a bat, then used the same bat to murder a guy. Oh, and then you threw the second one's corpse into a room with the monster ghost that tore apart and burned his body!" Sean said. Vincent gave a thumbs up then laid back against the couch again, 

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