Chapter 32: A Family Broken

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"Alright, for now we're all putting a pin in our current plans." I said as the others looked at me, "Vincent, get Daryl in the lake, then go get yourself cleaned up. Sammy, you and Sean go with him. Once he's set head to the Pines house, I need to get a few things cleaned up here before the cops show up. Cause someone has to have heard something while all this went down." I watched as Vincent gave a nod.

"Ok, I think Daryl might still have a key or two on him." Vincent said as he approached his corpse and dug through his pockets. When he found nothing, "Ok guess I got to turn him over then." He said as he placed his foot on body then pressed his foot into its side to make the mangled corpse turn over. Some more digging resulted in him pulling out two items, the missing black key with gold trim that connects here to the office and a phone.

So he took the key to the office. With the timing of everything, had Daryl already been in here when Sammy passed between doors?

"Vincent." I said as he handed me the key and the phone, "When you fought the first werewolf, what exactly happened?" He thought on it, then said.

"He just popped up while we were walking to the cabins. I figured he was keeping his distance to avoid the others or Sean's senses. If he was out there for a bit, he might have followed us as we went to the tree. Maybe he saw me go nuclear and reported it back to Daryl? It would make sense for Daryl to wait for me if he knew I was the only one he could kill right how, without worrying about the revenant killing him?" I then looked at Sean.

"Sean, out of curiosity when Vincent first got attacked by Daryl, did you feel him coming or anything?" I watched Sean when he shook his head.

"Not until it was too late. With how my senses went off during Vincent's rampage earlier, it took a lot out of me. That and the battle right before Daryl were a lot on me, too. I was pretty drained and then this happened. Anxiety attacks hit hard after the adrenaline wears off." I nodded at his statements.

"Thank you Sean, with that, you all get out of here with Daryl. I'm going to get Eunie and Brenton to the house too and also we may need to pull Liam in now. I know the others are all still gone right now, but he's the only other back up we got." With that, Vincent said.

"Yes Miss, I'll see you there." I gave him a slight smile, then went to my phone and went on instant and opened my frequent orders and selected a tarp. With a click, I then took a picture, and a tarp appeared. As Vincent and Sammy got Daryl situated, I walked out into the living room and saw all the damaged walls.

Vincent went through hell before we got here. Fortunately, we made it and he survived. I can't imagine the fear and pain he felt.

I stepped away from the doorway and once I was out of sight, wiped away a tear. I then looked towards the front door and saw there was a crack spread throughout the door.

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