Chapter 15: A Way Out

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-Ok, we're dealing with a ghost that devoured the victims it previously burned to death... It's still contained within its death zone, so it has to be worth less than 30. Hopefully that record gives us an idea of how strong it is.

Looking at Samara's message, tried to think of a plan to handle Harvin, but had nothing.


-Hopefully, I know even if I had the others with me, we couldn't take this thing in a fight yet.

A thumbs up appeared on my message.


-Remember what I've told you, plan for the long term, maybe this could be a 30's goal.


-I'm 23, you think it'll take me that long to be able to fight him?

I sent her the message and got an immediate response. She probably already knew what I was going to say.


-Yes, you are 23 and you think like an early twenty something, I don't want you dead so just put a pin in this ghost. One day you can circle back to him.




-Thank you.

We continued through the long hallways of the factory until we came to a pair of ornate doors that the humidity had warped years ago with a sign reading:


"One second." I said, "Before we go in there, Alden or Tate, could one of you wait by the entrance to the factory grounds from the condominium's path? I have to deal with him and he's bad, like Luke." The two look at each other when Tate said. 

"I got this."

"Thanks." I said back to him. Opening the doors, a pair of women were waiting. The older one then asked.

"Silas, who are they?" She looked at the two of us again, then asked. "Where's Luke?" With hints of annoyance in her voice on the second question.

"He's gone Diane." Silas said.

She gasped and the other woman, Allison, became worried until Silas said.

"Harvin didn't get him. This one did." He gestured to me, I waved at them, then approached the new pair.

"Hey there, I'm Vincent! So it's my job to help you all move on. Do you want to leave this place and move onto..." My eyes flash in soul sight and I see they're also heaven bound. Then clapped my hands together. "Heaven! You're both going there! Congratulations!" I gave them a quick round of applause, the women looked at me, bewildered. I pointed at my silver eyes 

"Oh, I'm not human." My hand then pointed to Sean, I said, "Neither is he, but that's not important. I just need one thing from you before I can help you move on." I looked at the older woman. "You're Diane, right?" I asked. She nodded. 

"That's me. What exactly did you need from me?" She watched my every move.

"Nothing big. Silas told me you keep a record of everything that's happened since you all got stuck here. Can you give me an idea of when Harvin attacked the others and turned into that thing in the production room?" I asked as her expression softened up. 

"Oh... that's all? Then you'll get us out of here?"She asked, wondering if there was a catch.

"Yup, that's all." I said, she then moved towards the desk in the reception area and picked up a weathered notebook. Flipping through the pages, she then said.

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