Chapter 31: I Can Smell Your Fear

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A/N: Hello everyone! Please note this chapter contains: Blood, Gore, Violence, Murder, and the despair of dying young.

A/N: Hello everyone! Please note this chapter contains: Blood, Gore, Violence, Murder, and the despair of dying young

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The beast threw me into the living room when I hit the wall that divided the kitchen from the living room when I crashed into the drywall and it broke inwards. My body sank part way through the drywall before falling to the floor, causing the dust to form an upward cloud.

Stay calm, he wants you to panic, don't give the enemy an advantage, as bad as this looks you can win. You just need to outsmart him,

"Wait there and be a good fucking mutt. I only have to bring you back alive, well is optional." The creature sneered from inside the master bedroom as I heard Sean get attacked, followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor. A moment later, I heard his steps when he stepped out. As I looked at him, he flashed his large, jagged teeth in a smile.

Ok, I feel a raging desire to fucking kill him. Let's use that.

The flames spread over my body and despite the change, my right shoulder still had blood seep out from the puncture wounds from his claws digging into me.

Glad I'm a lefty. I think I can still move my right arm, but not well, and it hurts like hell. I can do this, like with the last werewolf. Just use the environment I'm in to my advantage. As the beast lumbered towards me, I used my good arm to help pick myself up as I also scooped up some of the dust and debris on the ground and held it in my palm.

Ok, he's about to rush me, I just need to stun him and act.

As predicted, he then rushed forward and kicked me in the chest. Then grabbed me by the throat and held me up.

"You're supposed to be a demon? I don't see why we're so scared of your kind, if you're this weak." I threw the dust in his face and he grunted, then threw me at the wall by the window and the AC box I set up with Cassie. The rush of flying through the dusty air ended when my back came into contact with the metal baseboards of the radiator against the wall.

Great, another thing to fix in this damn place. I'm going to have to replace the drywall over here and I probably need a new radiator, or at least a new cover for it.

I looked up to see my opponent groaning and trying to get whatever I threw in his face out of his eyes.

I need a damn weapon, but I didn't leave any metal bats here. As I got up, I saw something on the floor, the wooden cabinet door I ripped out of the kitchen when I first got here.

Better than nothing.

Grabbing it, I charged at the werewolf and, gritting my teeth through the pain, I grabbed the wooden door with both hands and raised it up as I smashed it against his face. He grunted as the wooden cabinet broke into pieces, leaving me with one long splintered piece of wood.

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