Chapter 21: Research & Resolution

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The creature remained still, watching the two of us get up as Sean joined us. "I think we're ok, I don't feel any malice right now." Sean said watching it as stood in the lake.

"Ok, let me handle this." I said approaching the lake. I stood before the edge of the water, then pointed to Harold's floating corpse. "Excuse me, but that was my kill." trying to keep my tone polite.

Sure, I was going to give it to you in exchange for Alba's soul, but he didn't know that. Whatever this guy is, he moved immediately back into the water once he had the body. He's probably weak out of it, but strong in it? I got to figure out a few more details about him.

I watched as its green flesh and mangled white beard moved to form a smile. The green man stood there dressed in what looked to be waterlogged rags put together to look like a coat. It took something out of its patchwork. A hat. Then put it on over it's equally mangled, and slimy hair. 

"Ach chlapeček." He said as he laughed.

That sounded condescending. Whatever it was.

"Sorry. I didn't understand what you said." I said flatly, as we continued to observe each other. 

"His soul is mine now, chlapeček." He laughed again. 

"Are you sure?" I asked hinting him to rethink his choice. 

"Huh?" He said. "Are you going to come and get it, chlapeček?" He then pushed the body towards me. As it drifted across the surface, I could hear Sean growing increasingly nervous. 

Not that I needed Sean to see this was an obvious trap.

"I have a question for you. What exactly do you use these souls for?" I asked as his grin grew. 

"To serve me, for eternity, chlapeček." We stood there as Harolds body bobbed up and down in the water. 

"Alright, and how do you keep the ghosts from fleeing?"I asked, in hopes he'd give more information. The creature looked at me, confused. 

"You really want to see?"He asked. surprise tinged his words. I nodded, then sit down on the sandy coast of the lake. 

"I'll be right here, waiting for you. Would you just hear my offer after?"He looked at me with apprehension. "What? You worried or something? Why would I take him? Then you won't hear me out after."I said to reassure him. He then laughed before he moved back and dived.

Once I ID you I can do something. Knowledge is power, I'll use the power to break you, you green slimy bastard.

"What are you doing? Aren't we done? Harolds dead!" Sean asked. 

"Sean, I am working. The job ain't done until I say it is." I said, as he looked at me in confusion.

The current situation is well below the quality of my usual work. Like hell, I'm going to let mine or anyone else's name be associated with a botched job like this, especially when I'm at fault for it going sideways.

Before he could ask me another question, Eunie said. 

"Sean, you really don't want to get in Seppy's way when he's working. This is his job, so we do it his way. He does the same for me when I bring him on a mission!" She said.

Eunie gets me.

"Eunie, come join me over here and take a seat." I said, without hesitation she replied. 

"Alright!" She then joined me on the sandy shore. When I noticed her looking down causing streaks of her blond hair to come out of the hood. "Vincent I'm sorry." She said. Surprised by this I tilted my head, she then continued, "Sorry for wrecking the plan. I broke the deck and then you got hurt." She then looked at me waiting for me to speak.

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