Chapter 34: Phone Calls And Chains

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-8AM, Monday

I sat with Samara, Brenton, and Liam. Since our gathering last night, we had left the Pines family home with our part of the family to guard and made our way to Barry's former residence. We had all taken spots at the large dining room table that had only been half filled by our group, with the four of us revenants on one end and the Pines family on the other.

Estate may be a better word for this place. The property is expansive and despite the dust that's lightly grayed, the interior of the place. It's exactly as I remember it from our last gathering. He held Friends giving just before Amelia and Viktors deaths and then we went through the holidays without them. This year we won't have Barry either.

As I sat beside Brenton, Samara then tapped the table to get my attention. As I looked across at her and Liam, she asked.

"It's hard for you to be here, isn't it?" I stared into her sympathetic eyes and answered.

"A bit... Do you think Barry wanted his picture with the others? He had a thing for memorializing everyone we've lost, but... I just can't believe we almost lost Vincent, too." A sigh escaped my lips. Samara gave me a weak smile as the others tried to stay out of our conversation.

I had myself convinced Vincent was indestructible and that he can just kill anything that gets in the way. Maybe that'll be true one day. Our boss only knows with whatever he gave him to unlock, he told me they're all tailored to our personalities and what would work best for each of us. Hopefully, we'll all live to see them.

"He's already there with them. When he passed, he left me this place in the will with that request." She looked around the extravagant dining room. "As nice as this place is, I don't want to live in a mansion filled with now bittersweet memories. It's just feels empty without him here." She then closed her eyes for a moment before adding. "I'm also telling you and Brenton about this now. Neither one of you better die on me. Whoever makes me do a fourth meeting is gonna get an ass whooping from me as part of their eternal damnation." Liam then spoke.

"Eunie told me and Roscoe we're not allowed to die either." Samara Leaned back in her seat and replied.

"Oh yeah, Eunie and I would pay either of you a visit and I won't be happy you made her cry." Brenton then spoke.

"There are only a few things I fear more than death, and one is you, Samara. I'd rather stay on your good side." The mood had lightened a bit when Samara had then grabbed her phone and spoke.

"Vincent and Eunie are working with their team to figure out the factory set up for Meryl this evening. Sammy and I will stop by to see them in the early afternoon to give our thoughts on it. As for you two, I'm sending you the blueprints I got for the Gaudin family compound. We still got to call Meryl-" By some misfortune, Daryls' phone that sat before me lit up with the name "Sis" showing.

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