Chapter 28: What's A Gorgon?!

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A/N: Warning blood and gore this chapter but lets face it if you're still here I appreciate you and assume you know what to expect by now!

I used the time we had to order enough chain, rope, and locks to keep me tied down and we even did some testing to make sure I couldn't get out of the chains. After we tested a few things out, we headed back to the cabins. After I checked the time, I sent a message.


-Hey, 2 things.

-Sean is with me.

-The prick of the lake is currently learning a lesson, so he's going to be out of the water when you arrive. If he looks at you the wrong way, let me know.


-Thanks for the heads up, Seppy! I'll cover up for Sean. And don't worry if Vodí looks at me the wrong way, I'll handle him!


-Ok! See you soon!

With that set, I looked at Sean and said,

"Why don't we go meet them at the camp? I want to check something out." Sean gave a nod and as we ventured towards the camp, I asked. "Notice anything different?" We continued down the pathway. The sounds of birds, the wind through the trees, and other noises of nature filled the area when Sean answered.

"Yeah, the screaming is gone." Sean said, as I smiled. "Did the time run out already?" He asked.

"Nope, he's still got about ten minutes left, but I guess-" Sean interrupted me.

"He's scarred his vocal cords enough to go quiet?" I then gave a hearty nod.

"Yup." I said as we reached the camp. I looked out at the lake and saw Vodí still on the ground, writhing around in silent agony. "Hey Vodí, I'm not healing you again, so if you're mute, it's your new normal! Remember, resilience builds character!" I yelled, like the manager of a toxic workplace.

We then waited until I heard Eunie shout out.

"Hi Seppy! Hi Sean!" She quickly approached the two of us now dressed in hiking boots, shorts, and layered tank tops. Her hair was now black and tied back in a ponytail that went out the back of her baseball cap.

Looks like she hid her scars.

"Vincent, it's been a while." A strong and smooth voice asked. I looked past Eunie as I saw Brenton beside Sammy. Brenton had a green tee with the buttons over the chest all undone except for the lowest button, complementing his dark, rich skin with warm undertones. His hair was in a fade that was meticulously maintained and like Sammy, he had jeans and hiking boots on.

Damn, that voice, face, and body. Ugh, just remember, work is not a dating site.

"Vincent?" Brenton asked as he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

Damn it, stop it! You're a goddamn sex demon, you're supposed to make them like this, not the other way around.

"I've been good! How was your visit home?" I said, regretting how enthusiastically I asked him. Sammy then looked at me when mouthed simp at me causing Eunie to snicker momentarily as Sean looked at me piecing it together.

When did I become Cassie?

"Oh, guess what TNC got us all something? He left yours at the office." Eunie said as I smiled.

"Oh, you shouldn't have." I said. This time reining it in as Sammy again looked at me before giving a weak shake of his head.

"So who's this then?" Brenton asked as he looked at Sean.

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