Chapter 29: Target Practice

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A/N: Please note this chapter contains: Violence, Blood N' Gore, also Verbal Abuse that Vincent learned from his mother cause of course my little psycho Twink has mommy issues!

I flipped through my book and read through the description of my new ability.

Gorgon's fire. Apparently, I now have claws and turn things to stone. I can either slash or seduce things and turn them to stone... I can't wait to test it out on someone.

I then turned to my stats page and checked over a few particular stats.

'Souls Collected: 104.20/500,'

'Souls Consumed: 77.99/104.20,'

'Current Remaining Souls (months): 26.21,'

'Next Ability Unlock: 77.99/100.00,'

I then looked lower on the page.

'Death Reset (Hours): 23.99/24.00,'

Maturity Date (Months): 422.01

Seduction effectiveness base stat: 25%

Strength: 1.40X

Sleep needed: 5.5 Hrs


Pheromone Cloud range 2M Cost 0.02 Souls

Gorgon Flame: Current Soul Consumption 0.01 Souls per 10 minutes of use.

Ok, so looks like it burns through souls like my pheromone cloud, my regular pheromones I get from sweating are a passive ability and free. I have a decent amount of souls now, so I shouldn't need to worry about limiting use of it. 

"Alright Sean? You ready to see my new demon form? Maybe now it'll impress you!" I said, as he turned back to me.

"Sure let's see." He said. I then handed him my book. He took a step back, then waited for me to shift.

Ok, it should be like before, just focus on my soul and I should change.

I stood there for a minute as nothing happened. Sean tilted his head then asked.

"Umm, are you gonna do it?" I then looked at myself and said.

"Trying to figure it out, I guess something changed with the milestone and the new fire ability?" I thought, then said. "Ok, I got fire, so maybe if I feel like the fire is washing over me, or maybe I need to use the fire on myself?" I then asked. "Can I see my book?"

Sean stepped forward and passed me back the book. I then reread the first part of the description.

This ability allows for your essence to work as fuel to this special fire.

Ok, it's powered by my essence. All incubi and Succubi demons have pheromones that derive from their essence... Oh, maybe I activate it like my pheromone cloud? With desire and thoughts like that? I guess I can think about Brenton and that voice and body of his.

"Ok Sean, I think I got it now, so let's try again." I handed the book back to him again, then closed my eyes and focused. I felt the flames erupt from my hands as they spread across my body. Once the flames covered me, I opened my eyes and the flames disappeared. I'm surprised when Sean yelled.

"What happened to your clothes?" He turned away from me, then said. "Put some damn pants on!" He shouted. I tilted my head down and as I looked at myself, I noticed my skin had turned a slightly more noticeable shade of grey than last time. That and the clothes I had been wearing were gone.

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