Chapter 20: Abducting Harold

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A/N: Warning there is murder and light gore in this chapter! Remember that premeditated crimes like kidnapping, battery, and murder are bad!

Nico, Eunie, and I waited in Vincent's condo, everything was already prepared. Looking at my phone, I saw the time was just before 5 am. The sky had lightened with the soon to rise sun on its way.

"D-D, I got the key all set to the lake! Also I got changed into the clothes we need for the job!" Eunie raised up her arms to emphasize how large the black hoodie and pants were on her body. The only thing that fit her was the black face mask she wore. "Do you need me to fit in them yet?" She asked, eagerly awaiting my response.

"He could be here soon, so we probably should." I said, she then squealed with glee.

"So, how does that work for you two? Is it like How mine works where my bones break apart and rapidly reform? Or something different." Nico asked as he looked to the two of us. Eunie then spoke.

"Different, it's more like we can just change the size of everything, bones, muscle tissues, organs, everything and we can make ourselves bigger or smaller, and that's just the basics of mimicking a person!" She then walked up to Nico and he looked down at her, like a poodle before a German Shepard. Eunie then grew taller and her body broadened until she filled out the hoodie. Once she stopped, Nico now looked up at her.

He's six-foot-two. Looks like she wanted to show off.

She then said, "We can both change our skin pigmentation, hair, voice, and..." She looked at me. "D-D? Did you get the level up yet for stuff like moles and scars? I got that, and I just got the level up for teeth mimicry!"

"Teeth mimicry?" Nico asked.

Eunie turned back to Nico then put her hands on his shoulders. "Close your eyes!"She said, once Nico closed his eyes she lifted her face mask. I watched as the scars on her face vanished and as she opened her mouth, her teeth changed into a set of large, sharp teeth. "Ok, look!" she said with some difficulty from the new teeth, as Nico saw her face he said.

"Damn, your fangs might be bigger than mine now." Her teeth returned to normal when she spoke again.

"If you get me someone's dental records, I can mimic their teeth too!" Nico looked confused at the last bit of information.

"Why would you ever need to do that?" He asked, Eunie replied.

"Well, envy demons can get into work mimicking others and eventually I'll be able to copy a person or creature perfectly. Even down to their DNA, blood, and other bodily fluids. If we can get a sample them, we can replicate it to where we'd match the original person perfectly!"

She's been a go-getter on her contract, and hunts with the others pretty often. I just got the body structure mimic a few months back, but I also want to maximize my time left living my life.

"For now, let's just get into position." I said, then focused on the thought of being bigger, bigger than Nico. A moment later, I felt the hoodie get much more snug and stopped. "Nico." I said when he turned and jolted in surprise as he looked up to make eye contact, I chose 6'6.

"Damn, it's been a long time since I've felt short." He said as Eunie let out a quick laugh.

"It's ok, Nico, you're still a big bad werewolf!" Eunie said to comfort him.

"We should all get into position." I said.

"Got it!" Eunie said as she moved for the door, opening it. "Oh hey, Greta! What are you doing out here?" She asked. "Greta?" she asked again, to get no response. I moved to the door and as I stood in the doorway; I saw Greta standing at the top of the stairs.

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