|Chapter Twenty-Four|

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|Third Person's POV|

Wave of relief showered Dawn when she stepped on the sand and saw oh-so-familiar place. The sun was setting up and her teammates may still be asleep - if they didn't stay up all night - but still, she couldn't wait to see them. Being in the sea and in the sky in the same night and then seeing all the things in the enemies lair, plus Raniella, she really needed a feeling of calmness and piece.

Dawn looked back and checked on the rest of her teammates. Andre left the ship a little far from the shore and moved through the water. Lacey used her magic and trailed in the air along with Tess. Kyle walked in the water too, his chestnut hair fallen on his forehead, slightly covering his forest green eyes.

He did manage to run on the clouds, if it counted like one. But Dawn - who may or may not want to go on a date with him - may count so. A small laugh escaped her when Kyle stepped on the golden sand, giving her a curious look.

"Nothing," She said whilst still smiling.

"That doesn't look like nothing." He raised a brow, then glanced at the cave. "Ah, we might wake them up now."

"I don't think they'd sleep." Lacey said next to them, pulling her long black hair into a low bun.

"I hope they've got food, I'm starving." Tess sighed.

Andre chuckled. "Thanks to the speedsters, we'll have food in seconds."

"You realize we can't control how fast the owen works, right?" Dawn raised her brows next to him.

"Thanks to the witches, we'll control that." Kyle smirked, causing Lacey to chuckle.

"All jokes aside, I really am starving." Tess said with all seriousness.

"However, all hunger must wait till the meeting. I hope we got enough information." Dawn reminded them. "But I can make something." She winked at Tess who grinned happily.

The quintet walked in the cave. All exhausted but the adrenaline from Raniella's appearance was still running through them. Just like they thought, everyone was awake - well if one wouldn't count half-asleep Elias, barely holding himself with his hands and Tim hugging the pillow on the couch with his eyes closed. Rest of them where in their pj's. Rue was braiding Livia's long blonde hair while she played rock, paper, scissors with her younger brother Connor. Ronnie and Sofia were trying to fix some square device with Levi's help. Gwen was talking to a blonde girl on her phone through a hologram - and Dawn instantly recognized her and made a note to ask her friend about it - and Jordan was seated a bit far from her, texting somebody.

However, everyone looked at them when they stepped inside. Gideon was the first to greet them, causing Dawn to smile at her father's creation. Ronnie sped up to them, greeting them with questions. Tess silenced him with a hug and almost hitting him with her bow. Ronnie wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and gave her a kiss on the head. Dawn smiled to herself, then she herself got pulled in a hug too by Gwen.

"Aurora says hi," Gwen whispered in her ear. Aurora Elsher was their best friend in high school and still is, but it's been some time since Dawn has seen her, Aurora was in Coast City, protected it from any harm while also exploring her superpowers.

"We should visit her and Willow soon." She whispered back, mentioning their other best friend, only one in their friendgroup wihout superpowers.

Gwen nodded as she pulled away. She chuckled when Tess said. "Can we eat first and then discuss everything?"

"We also need some cleaning up." Doctor inside Dawn awoke as she pointed at herself and others, bit dirty and scratched from their mission. She walked towards her room to get cleaned and then take a look at everyone's injuries, although none of them had any serious ones.

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