|Chapter Two|

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|Third Person's POV|

"Dawn, are you awake?" Gwen knocked on her cousin's door. It was early in the morning and she doubted Dawn would be awake but Mr Diggle said they were going to start soon.

When she heard no response, she decided to open the door but it was locked. "Dam it." She muttered. "Dawn! You gotta wake up!" Gwen banged on her door.

"Let me sleep!" Came Dawn's sleepy but angry voice.

"We have training in half an hour! You haven't even eaten breakfast!" She yelled.

Dawn groaned and stood up to open the door. When she did, Gwen saw her cousin's sleepy face and messy hair. "I hate this place." She said for what seemed like ninth thousand time.

Gwen sat down and helped her make her bed, after that, Dawn got ready with her super speed. In mere seconds they were off towards the kitchen.

"Good morning." Dawn said grumpily to the people in front of her.

"Good morning." They repeated. Some of them had smiles on their faces and the one's that were as upset as Dawn because of the wake up muttered their 'good mornings' grumpily.

"Do you guys have an idea about our training?" Livia Danvers, Supergirl's daughter asked. In Dawn's opinion, she wasn't as bad as she imagined. She her met her before but they didn't talk much.

"No," Gwen replied. "Bur Mr Diggle said we were starting with the easy ones."

"As if!" Elias West, Kid Flash's son said. "I bet the easy ones are the hardest ones. It's always like that."

"That, I agree." Laurel, White Canary's daughter nodded. "They say we are doing something easy and then it turns out to be really hard."

"But how hard would it be?" Dawn questioned.

"Yeah, if they give us something hard then it means they want to challenge us, but if it's actually easy then they think we aren't ready enough." Levi voiced his theory. Dawn thought it was reasonable. She has know Lena Luthor's son for a long time now. They went to University together, along with Andre.

"When you put it that way. It does make sense." Rue, Livia's cousin agreed.

"Everyone please go in the training room." They heard Gideon's voice so all of them left the kitchen.

Turns out they were right when they thought training would be hard.

It was.

And one of them broke their arm.

Ronnie, to be exact but with his fast healing, he was as good as new in no time.

"I feel exhausted!" Dawn exclaimed when she and Gwen walked in her room.

"Yes, but I definitely have to take shower." Gwen agreed.

"Oh yes!" Dawn grabbed her stuff while Gwen stood up to go to her room and take shower.

In half an hour the girls were sitting on the couch, watching something on TV when Andre and Jordan joined them.

"I can't feel my back." Andre groaned while sitting down next to Gwen.

"I was pretty swollen before but I'm good now." Jordan chimed in. "He used Kryptonite!"

"Well, my head's still ringing." Livia rolled her eyes from annoyance. "Canaries literally beat us!"

"Canaries? Mr Palmer's robot almost broke my arm! He copied my powers!" Ronnie exclaimed.

"When dad was building it, I had no idea he was going to use it on us. I even helped him!" Tim Palmer facepalmed.

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