|Chapter Twenty-Five|

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|Third Person's POV|

Dawn took a very, very long nap. The moment she opened her eyes, she knew her energy had restored and she was as good as new. Today, she was meeting her mom and aunt Iris. It seemed like, they couldn't wait till Christmas to see her (It has to be noted that Christmas' in just a few weeks).

Dawn dressed warmly, although her clothes matched and she had to say she didn't look bad. She grabbed her bag and looked in the mirror one last time. Her hair was half up half down the hairstyle she usually wore while being Velocity. She quickly closed the door behind and left a note on the fridge, saying she was off in Central City, then she sprinted out of the cave.

The wind rustled her hair as she stopped in front of the flower shop not too far from CC Jitters. She bought carnations for her aunt Iris and forget-me-nots for her mother, those were their favorites.

Since Jitters was not too far from there, she decided to walk. It was nice to take a walk once in a while. Besides, she didn't want to ruin her perfect hairstyle. Dawn walked out of the flower shop and turned right but bumped into someone else. The flowers she picked for her mother fell down and she kneeled down to pick them, failing to see the stranger kneel down too. They bumped their foreheads as both of their hands flew to the flowers.

"I'm sorry!" They both said at the same time. The stranger - a curly blond boy - let go of the flowers and let Dawn pick them up. "Sorry, again." He added and faced her with his perfect blue eyes.

"No, no. I'm sorry." Dawn smiled sheepishly. The boy smiled back and nodded. For a second, they both stood like that, not looking at anyone but one another. Then Dawn remembered her mother and aunt were waiting for her, she apologized again and jogged towards the cafe.

"Honey, you're finally here." Caitlin Allen smiled and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "For a speedster, you're quite slow." She whispered.

"I decided to take a stroll." Dawn giggled and let go. She gave blue forget-me-nots to her mother and pink carnations to Iris right after they hugged.

"Aww, thanks, sweety." Iris smiled at her.

"They're very beautiful." Caitlin added with a warm smile.

"Glad you both liked them." Dawn returned the expression and pulled a chair to sit down . Iris was seated on her left and her mom on her right, they were opposing one another.

"So, how's your superhero studies going?" Iris asked her once they gave away their orders.

Dawn shrugged. "We finally got some lead on our enemies."

"What exactly?" Caitlin queried and took the coffee the waitress brought.

"Well, it's top secret that the league will here today right when dad contracts them but it would be disrespectful not to tell you, considering you guys have been into these stuff for a long time." Dawn grinned.

The women in front of her smiled. "And?"

"And, when we visited Anti-Justice's lair," Dawn waited for her mother to scold but when she got only one raised eyebrows she figured her dad explained everything. "Lacey, Lena Luthor's daughter found drawings of various weapons, however one caught our attention especially. It was titled as 'Myriad'."

"Myriad as in the Myriad?" Iris raised her eyebrows from shock, she caught her friend's confused look and explained. "I got information about that when I interviewed Lena Luthor. The Myriad controls people's minds and makes them do whatever the owner commands."

"Yes, that Myriad." Dawn agreed upon their horrified looks. "We don't know if they plan to use that exactly because it takes lots of work and resources to control such thing but after League hears, we'll start working on counteract."

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