|Chapter Forty-Five| (Finale)

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|Third Person's POV|

*One Year Later*

Dawn let herself soak in the sunlight as the light breeze kissed her cheeks. It was a moment of peace she learned to achieve after stressful days of Young Justice.

They've come so far, and now the end of their journey arrived.

The end of the beginning.

Their early days were filled with excitement, fear, tension, even betrayal and love, but in the end, through hardwork and determination, they defeated every single enemy they faced.

Yes, some were harder to fight, but united they stood against any foe that dared to challenge them.

Defeating Anti-Justice was on of their biggest victories, as well as the most difficult problem, so many issues came from it, realizations, friends, opponents, truth and lies all blend in the end, they triumphed.

She could still remember days she spent with Kyle on this very beach. Talking for hours, trusting him with every cell in her body, only for him to betray her and turn out to be the enemy.

But at last, even that changed. Kyle turned to the good side, for real, and let her turn him in to A.R.G.U.S. – an organization that worked to eliminate evil in their world. Their leader was heroes' good friend, her husband even being one of them and also a mentor for Young Justice, that's how Dawn knew Kyle and his teammates were cooperating well enough that someday they may work side by side with them.

That didn't scare her anymore. Nor did it hurt to think about him, though sometimes old wounds would come back and remind themselves to her. Pain was still there, and the betrayal still stung. She loved him, after all. But it didn't hurt as much as it did before.

She was on her way to healing.

A year after that was filled with abundance of adventures. They met new enemies, even fought some from the past that their parents faced. They made new friends as well.

Dawn graduated from Central City University and she was officially beginning her work at her mother's lab. She couldn't be more eager.

Her friends were taking new steps in life as well. Slowly building their lives and moving toward their future.

And for once, everything was well.

But it broke her heart that Young Justice was coming to an end. A team that at first, Dawn resisted to be a part of. Even argued with her father, not speaking to him for a while, until she got to know her teammates and warmed up to them. She grew so fond of them that now leaving them was like falling from cloud nine and crashing on the cold ground.

Each and every one of her teammates were unique and special, and Dawn would never forget them. They've become like a second family for her. And she never wanted to part with them.

But, time went by, life went on and they had to move forward, toward their future.

That's why she made one last meal for her friends before officially leaving Mount Justice and returning to their hometowns.

Going back to Central City and her life felt strange for her, but she couldn't escape from it.

"I don't want to go." Laurel sniffled next to her as she walked inside.

"Me neither." Rue agreed, wiping her tears.

"Promise me we'll meet here once a year!" Livia begged.

"I'm down for that." Elias chimed in. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really gonna miss you guys."

"Yeah," Rue nodded. "I'm even gonna miss you."

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