|Chapter Eleven|

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|Third Person's POV|

Gwen has been busing herself with the book called 'Cruel prince'. The book was written way before she was born but it was still very interesting. Tess recomended it and she was already on the third book.

Dawn was still in the Speed Force and Gwen was starting to miss her best friend. There was so much she wanted to tell her. For example, she and Jordan Kent were starting to get close. Last week, they went back in Central City and visited Gwen's dad's company. Since her parents were out of town, she sometimes had to check on the company. After that, he took her in the movies.

She had to admit, she liked spending time with him. He was smart, always made her laugh and even though he teased her a lot, he was nice too. Oh, and very attractive!

"Thinking about me?" The book fell down from her hands when she heard his voice. Jordan was smirking while staring at her flushed face.

"You wish!" She smirked back and lowered down to get her book. Her forehead bumped his as both of their hands flew towards it.

"Ow!" Jordan rubbed his forehead.

"You know, for a boy of steel, you still get hurt." She gave him a suspicious look.

"I'm not literally unbreakable, Gwen." Was his reply.

"But you are." She smirked again and walked towards her room.

Jordan jogged after her. "Are we still up for the date, Frosty?" He stopped at the door of her room. Lacey put a charm on every door. They couldn't go inside each others room if they didn't have permission. Having witch in the cave really came handy.

Gwen stopped and turned to face him. "Maybe." She responded with a smile. Jordan took it as a positive answer and smiled back. He waved his hand and left.

Gwen smiled dreamily and then went back in her room, slammimg her door behind.

Not too long after, there was a knock on the door. "It's Ronnie!" The voice yelled. Gwen gave him permission and he walked inside. He had the same dreamy look Gwen had some time ago.

"What's up, Romeo?" She asked while smirking. Ronnie sat down next to her and shot her the pillow.

"Nothing." He replied, still daydreaming.

"Yeah, okay." She gave him unconvinced look. "Do you want something? I'm reading."

"You sound like Dawn." Ronnie pointed out. "No, I don't want anything except to ask what's going on between you and Kent?"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Like it's your buisness."

Ronnie gave her a pleading look. "I'm a sucker for romance and drama. Tell me all the gossip!"

"Now you sound like Dawn. What's this? Her orders to collect all the gossip?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no." He shrugged. "But seriously, are you two dating or something?"

"No, we're just friends." She replied. She had no idea what Jordan and her were. "How about you and Thea Queen's daughter? Has she hit your heart with an arrow?" Gwen smirked.

Ronnie gave her a smile. "I think so." In that moment, he reminded her of uncle Barry a lot.

"That's great!" She grinned and punched him in the arm. Ronnie let out a growl but then smile again.

"I miss Dawn." He whispered while putting his head on her pillow. Gwen nodded, she shared the same feeling.

"How's her training going?" She asked. .

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