|Chapter Seventeen|

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|Third Person's POV|

After the Chaos Witch's attack with spells, Lacey Luthor added another roind of protective spells around them. She had to enchant every single thing in the cave so they would he protected from anything like that.

And ever since that attack, Gwen discovered how much she could do with her powers. She started training harder and realized that her abilities were only limited if she thought so. The supers helped out with her training as well since they had some experience with cold.

Andre, Levi and Tim placed Creto stones everywhere on Mount Justice to protect it from Comet. They took other security measures as well, especially in the dungeon-cells because the two members of Anti-Justice they held hostage escaped.

Later that attack, Tim, Gwen and Sofia went underground to check on the prisoners and found them gone. There was no trace of how they escaped but Sofia's theory was that Raniella used some spell to destroy the power-dampenning system and after that Breacher could've teleported them out of there.

However, they had no guess on how they managed to do that undetected. It was impossible to go unnoticed when there were thousands of techs keeping an eye on them and spells forbidding them from stepping outside the cell.

They spent hours brainstorming on how could that have happened until Andre snapped and cut off their meeting, pointing out that it was hopeless and they couldn't do anything to change it.

Which got everyone in a bad mood. So many unanswered questions really brought their spirits down and forced them to believe that they couldn't stop Anti-Justice.

However, a certain silver speedster's arrival was perfect as she scared her teammates in the living-room, causing some of them to freeze her shoes.

"Wow, okay, this is cool," Dawn giggled and shook her shoes to remove the ice. "Gwen you gotta work on your relfexes."

"Dawn!" The said girl exclaimed and pulled her best friend in a bone-crushing hug. "You're back!"

"Y-yeah, but yo-your squishing me!" Dawn managed to say. Gwen quickly let got of her and apologized.

"I'm just so happy that you're back!" Gwen exclaimed. "Oh, I'll call Ronnie!"

"No need for that, I sensed it the moment she arrived." Her brother came in the room, grinning. Dawn smiled back and wrapped her arms around him.

"Does this mean you mastered your speed?" He questioned as the let go.

"I'm speed and speed is me." Dawn replied with a happy grin. "I know what I'm doing with my powers."

"And that's perfect!" Gwen's cheek's must've hurt because of how big she was smiling.

"Where are the rest of team?" Dawn asked when they got over the hugs.

"Liv and Con are in National City to celebrate some kryptonian or dexam holiday or something, Lacey and Sofia are watching movies in their room, Rue and Lau are training and Jordan's back in Smallville for few days. No idea where others are."

"Wow, you've become a Gideon, Gwen." Dann chuckled. "No offense, Gid, I miss you too!" She called out to the voice who repeated it.

"Well, Tess' still in my room, we were watching a movie, I sensed your arrival when I was going in the kitchen for popcorn.

"Ookay, now I remember you've got a girlfriend!" Dawn giggled and her bother rolled his eyes.

"Gwen's got a boyfriend too!" He pointed out as daughter of Frost glared at him.

"Yeah, I leave and suddenly everyone's taken!" Dawn rolled her eye. "I mean, I missed most of the drama!"

"There's no drama, Dawn." Gwen pinched her arm. "Plus, you know I'll fill you in."

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