|Chapter Six|

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|Third Person's POV|

"Darling, you look wonderful!" Gwen grinned, eyeing her old friend who opened her arms to pull her in a hug.

"Thank you, Gwen. You yourself look marvelous." Sofia Ramon smiled, her eyes gleaming with happiness. "So long since I saw you guys."

"An year ago? Or so." Elias grinned while also hugging the girl. "How's Harvard?"

"Good, though it's my last year there. I have to admit, it got boring after Gwen graduated." She replied, pulling her shoulder-length black hair in a high bun.

"Look whose here!" They heard familiar voice call from behind. Three people turned back to discover Allen siblings standing there.

"My favourite siblings!" Sofia smiled widely. "But my brother seems to be lost? Where is he?" She asked them in confusion.

Andre meanwhile, was in his, Levi's and Tim's workshop. Three boys decided to share a room where they would work on their costumes or on new inventions. He had his head buried in instruments, fixing something layed on the table.

A door swing open and Elias walked in, wearing a big grin on his face. Andre instantly realised what was going on, he grinned too and walked out of the room, not waiting to hear what Elias had to say.

In the living-room, he saw a girl similiar to him laughing with their family friends. She caught his gaze and gave her brother biggest smile. Andre smiled too. He pulled his sister in a tight hug, being apart for an year sure made him miss her very much.

"You've grown taller." Sofia chuckled. "And your hair's longer! Almost same length as mine!"

"Yes, but mom's quite persistent on me and dad cutting our hair." He laughed back. "How are you? Harvar girl, now a full time photographer, huh?"

"Not yet," She gave him a small smile. "But few months and then yes!"

"Mom and dad would be very proud of you." He spoke truthfully. "Come on, we'll help you settle in your new room, it's next to Lena Luthor's daughter's."

"Dad's partner? Only met her oldest son, name's Levi, right?" Andre only nodded and picked her bags.

"We can help, place your stuff in it's place only in few seconds!" The speedsters chimed. Sofia thanked them and politely declined, she would better place them on her own or she might not find them.

"In that case, I hope you don't mind if I slip away for some time. I have to check on something." Gwen said. Sofia assured her it was fine while Dawn gave her wierd looks. Frost's daughter only shrugged and walked out of the room.

She quickly went towards the library to continue her reasearch. She has been collecting an information about Planet Cretus and the members of Anti-Justice. They seemed to strange not to be mentioned in any of the books that cave's library possessed. Her uncle Barry told her Justice League provided them with any information they would need in this place. There was no chance these strangers wouldn't be mentioned at least in one book.

Their powers were too special.

"Whatcha doing here?" Superman's son's voice starled her. Her books flew out of her hands. Jordan caught them with his quick reflexes and placed them on the nearby table.

"Thanks." Gwen blushed and looked away. She pulled a chair and sat on it. Noticing Jordan had still not left, she said. "Are you looking for something?"

Jordan snapped out of his daze. His cheeks reddened. "I was actually looking for a book which you seem to have." He pointed at the book about planet Cretus.

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