|Chapter Thirty-Eight|

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|Third Person's POV|

"I have something for you," Gwen said as she walked in Dawn's room. She was holding two cups of coffee. She gave one to Dawn who was sitting on the bed, checking something in her laptop.

"Thank you," She answered and put the cup on the bedside table.

"I brought it to drink, ya know." Silver haired girl told her as she sat down in front of her. Dawn didn't answer her, just nodded and scrolled through the laptop. Gwen sighed and closed the laptop, causing her best friend to whine.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked in grave serious tone. If being nice didn't do the trick then she had to be super strict or else Dawn wouldn't utter a word. Gwen was already late, she should've talked to her earlier but her injury made it difficult to do so. Plus, Dawn didn't let her leave bed until she was fully healed so Jordan was only one who filled her in with everything.

That bastard Kyle and his game of lies. Gwen would gladly freeze his ass and then turn him into ice statue only to let Dawn break him into pieces.

She was right all along, Kyle was a spy. They all realized that little too late. Anti-Justice will launch Project Myriad three days from now and they have very little time left to stop them. However, whole team was so horrified from Kyle's betrayal that they were more determined to stop their enemy than ever. They spent whole night working on a solid plan and they achieved their goal.

They even contacted the League and Brainy assured them that Anti-Justice would not be able to control anyone's mind as he and Lena Luthor will launch their own Anti-Myriad.

"No, I don't." Dawn replied and tried to open her laptop but Gwen froze her fingertips. "Ouch, Gwen!"

"You aren't getting out of this so easily!" Was her answer. "I brought coffee and now we will have a good heart-to-heart or you'll end up in chaos."

"So be it. I don't care. Neither should you. I failed you too." Dawn snuggled the pillow.

Gwen placed her hands on Dawn's shoulders. "You didn't fail anyone, you hear me? We all got tricked, no one blaming you."

"Well, they should be!" She protested. "Don't you understand? I knew password all along and didn't think to use it, I had answers and just didn't notice because I was too distracted with him. That's like biggest glow down a superhero can have."

"And who told you that? Remember, our family was tricked by numerous supervillains before - Not that I'm faulting them - it's not the end of the world if we were too." Gwen reasoned.

The silver speedster shook her head. "Exactly why I shouldn't have been. Dad taught me better. He must be disappointed that I didn't know better."

"Dawn, that's not how Barry feels. Why do you have such idealistic expectations for yourself?"

"Is that why he hasn't called? Or mom? If they weren't disappointed, I would've heard from them." She replied and laid down, showing her back at Gwen who immediately grabbed her shoulders and moved her to face her.

"Uncle Barry and aunt Caitlin haven't called because they're working with the League, plus remember they have their own enemies to take care of, that's why it was only us working against Anti-Justice."

Dawn shook her head again. "Just let me sleep, Gwen. I'll talk to you when I'll be ready."

Gwen didn't want to go badly. But she couldn't force Dawn anything if she didn't feel like doing. So she just nodded, gave her best friend a reassuring hug and left the room. Dawn knew were to find her if she needed to.

Gwen wanted to know how Dawn felt?

Well. . .

Dawn was poisoned.

Every moment with him was like a poison to Dawn's body, slowly lurking its way to her heart, her mind and her soul.

She was poisoned.

Poisoned by his love, care, attention.

His presence filled a hole inside her that even she didn't know existed. When he left, no, betrayed her, the hole got bigger and now Dawn feared it would gulp her down too along with everything else.

He won.

She broke his hand but he broke her.

It was like a death by thousand cuts.

Blood coming from every wound and no amount of cure could heal them.

This poison, this cuts, this wounds, it killed her.

This heartbreak killed her.

But it was fine. She would fake it 'till she would make . Till she would do. Till it was true.

She should've asked him questions, she should've asked him how all was.

This wasn't some girly heartbreak, she wasn't just heartbroken, she was betrayed. She was ashamed. The one she loved lied to her, to all, and from all people, Dawn fell hardest to those lies.

All of her friends suspected him. Why did she not? The signs were so clear, so obvious. Why did she get blinded by his games of heart?

Why did she had to fall in love with a villain? Fall in love with a cruel, cruel person?

Oh, right, he wasn't a person, what the hell was he? Tribrid of an alien, a meta and a human?

Whatever he was, it didn't stop him from winning, from cutting her into thousand pieces and leaving her like a broken glass.

All the words he said, all the lies he said, they crawled in her heart, mind and soul. They crawled and left their mark everywhere.

She lost.

She failed.

He won.

He succeeded.

She loved.

She cared.

He lied.

He pretended.

He caught the fastest woman alive and stole her love, her care and her kindness. Her good side.

Now he was going to get her bad side.

Because Dawn wouldn't go down so easily.

He might've hurt her and got away with it, but he would never get away with hurting the people she loved.

She would never let that happen.

Dawn would fight, plot, scheme, she would do whatever she could, and she would stop him and his little group of villains.

They would never win.

She would die before that happened.

Dawn would do the impossible if she had to. Because impossible was what ran in her family and how could she be the Flash's daughter if she couldn't do the impossible?

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