chapter -1

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(Pete is sleeping peacefully in his bed... Suddenly the door opens....)

Sin: Pete wake up...
Pete: It's so early.. let me sleep for a few more minutes...
Sin: You said this 15min before... Now wake up...
Pete: No...
Sin: Pete... Your dad called... We have to return to Thailand today...
Pete: I'm not going... I want to stay here in Spain...
Sin: Are you going to wake up or do you want me to kick your ass...
Pete: You are my bodyguard... Do you dare to kick me?😏

(Sin smirks and kicks Pete on his ass and he falls from the bed making a loud Sound... Then Sin walks towards the door...)

Sin: We will leave in 3 hours... I know you hate your father... But you know we can't go against him... So get ready Kid..
Pete: Kid my ass... I'll get back at you you bastard...

(Sin smiles and leaves.... Pete gets ready and they board their Jet and leave for Thailand...)

(In Thailand...)

Chay: P'Pete is coming today...
Macao: Really? I miss him... I'll go to your house today...
Chay: Okay... R u coming?
Kim: Yeh.. But why is he coming back suddenly?
Chay: I don't know... Uncle asked him to come... But I'm sure that he is going to get in some trouble since uncle called him...

(At the Kissit Mansion.... Pete enters Macao jumps into his arm and hugs him tight...)

Macao: I missed you.. it's so good to see you...
Pete: met too...
Kim: Good to see you...
Pete: Come here....

(Kim and Chay also hug Pete tight and he ruffles their hair..)

Pete: How have you guys been?
Chay: good...
Porsche: hey you are back...

(Porsche hugs Pete and gives a peck on his cheek...)

Porsche: You look cuter than before...
Sin: You mean chubby?
Pete: Fuck you Sin...

(Everyone laughs...)

Pat: You are back...
Pete: yes...

(Pete looks at his Uncle and father and goes towards them and hugs them)

Mat: It's late let's go and have dinner....
Pat: Kim, Macao, Sin come let's have dinner...
Kim & Macao: Okay Uncle...
Sin: Yes sir...

(They all had dinner happily and chatted.... After dinner Pete's father asked him to come to his office.... Pete went there and saw his father(Mat) sitting on the couch and he gestured to him to sit on his opposite.... Pete sat there and his dad offered him a glass of wine.... Pete took it....)

Pete: Dad... Why did you ask me here?
Mat: I have some good news for you...
Pete: good news?
(Pete Thinks:-you mean good for you and bad for me right?)
Mat: Yeh... You are getting Married...
Pete: (laughs) Oh..married...(realises) What?!!!!! Married? What do you mean...

(Mat leans back to the couch and sits comfortably while sipping the wine)

Mat: Marriage means marriage what else? You will be getting married next week.... Not just you Porsche too...
Pete: I don't understand...
Mat: Porsche is marring Kinn...
Pete: So? They are dating for a few years it's normal for them to marry... What does it have to do with me?
Mat: You know Khan Theerapanyakun?
Pete: Yeh... Macao's dad and Kinn's uncle...
Mat: Mm... He proposed your marriage with his eldest son Vegas....
Pete:And you agreed to it?
Mat: Yes I did... It's a really good offer you know.... He is going to be the heir of the Minor family moreover if you both get married it will benifit our company...
Pete:(smiles)So you sold me off just for your company.... You are asking me to marry someone whom I saw 2-3 times in the past... whom I don't even know... Sorry to disappoint you but No... I won't marry him... This is not like the other things deals.. it's about my life,my love, my family.... I won't agree to it...

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