Chapter - 29

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Author's POV

Peter: Go ahead.... Beg me...

Pete placed the chair right in front of Vegas and stared right at Vegas's face excited.... Pete was smiling ear to ear.... Vegas looked at Pete with Hate and anger... Vegas has never lowered his head in front of anyone... He won't do it even if he dies but he can't let something happen to Tawan because of him.....

Vegas: Please Peter.... Let him go.... I... I beg you....
Peter: Who is begging me? I can't understand....
Vegas: Me.... Vegas Theerapanyakun begs you.... Please let him go....

Pete laughed out loud.... He was grabbing his stomach while laughing out loud.... Only his sound was heard in that dark dungeon....

Peter: Oh my god!! I can't believe it... The mighty Vegas begged me to save his husband.... You guys recorded it right?
Guy: Yes boss!!
Tawan: He apologised to you right.... Now let me go....

Pete and Vegas looked at Tawan who was desperate to leave...

Peter: I really pity you Vegas... Your husband cares for himself more than your dignity....

Pete got close to the cell looking at Tawan...

Tawan: Let me go...
Peter: Let him go....

The guy who stood beside the door... Pressed a button on the remote he was holding and the chains on Tawan were unlocked... They fell down... Tawan got up from the chair and rushed to the cell only to find it locked...

Tawan: What are you doing? Unlock the cell!!!!

Peter laughed at Tawan....

Peter: I said I will let you go.... I didn't say that I will let you go from here....
Tawan: You can't do this to me....
Peter: Of course I can... See I already did...

Peter grinned at him making Tawan more angry....

Vegas: You are going back on your words!!!
Peter: I'll do as I please.....

Peter looked at Vegas and smiled....

Peter: Your attention please!!!!

Peter clapped his hands making the people in the video call and in the dungeon look at him....

Peter: It's time for the performance!!! Bring the artist....

As Pete finished his words.... The cell next to Tawan was lit up.... There were almost 20 guys who looked drowsy.... They all looked like some dirty thugs or insane people.....

Peter: Let me introduce my artist to you guys.... Meet them.... They are our experimental rats!!!
Porsche: What?
Peter: They are trained people.... I bought them all the way from abroad just for you both!!! Do you guys like it?
Vegas: What ar you up to?

Pete was enthusiastically introducing them.... That made all of them fear what he was up to....

Pete: Let me show you.... Boys bring it here....

One of the guys came to Pete and handed him a gun... But it was not a gun used to fight... It was the one used to shot drugs....

Pete: See this red thing... It's a drug developed by my boys... Who ever is injected by this drug will produce a sweet smell..... Which will make the others loose control... The rest you will see...

Pete loaded the drug in the gun.... There was fear in both Tawan and Vegas's eyes... Pete pointed it on Vegas.....

Vegas: What are you going to do?
Pete: I'm going to make you feel pain... You will never be able to forget this pain... It will always hunt you as a nightmare!!!

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