Chapter - 23

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Author's POV

(After 2 months in the Major Mansion)

Macao is sitting in the garden under a tree wearing his headset... Chay saw him and sat beside him... Realising that someone was beside him Macao opened his eyes and saw Chay.... He gave a small smile to Chay...

Chay: what are you listening to?
Macao: Listen yourself....

Macao gave one headset to Chay... Chay put it on his ear and Macao played the Music... Chay's eyes widened.... He looked at Macao...

Chay: Is it....?

Chay looked at Macao asking if it was who he think it is... Macao nodded his head while smiling...

Macao: Yes... It's P'Pete....
Chay: Where did you get this recording?
Macao: He asked me to record it for Venice... When we just got Venice... He was only close to P'Pete... He wouldn't sleep or eat if the person with him was not P'Pete... So when P'Pete started going to work he asked me to record  him while he was singing or telling a story to Venice so that we can use it when Venice was being grumpy.... But now both me and Venice need it...
Chay: What do you mean?

Chay looked at Macao confused....

Macao: I can't sleep... Only after hearing P'Pete's voice can I sleep now... But I don't think I deserve it... If it weren't for me... P'Pete wouldn't have gone through all this...
Chay: What?

Chay was more confused now... He didn't know what Macao was talking about... Macao's eyes filled with tears...

Macao: You know that I love P'Pete as a brother since young... I wanted P'Pete to be always with me.... So when Tawan left Hia and Dad was looking for someone to marry him... I told him about P'Pete... Dad didn't knew about P'Pete then... So he told me he will look into it and tell me later.... A few days after that P'Kinn and P'Porsche told us about the pregnancy and Dad asked P'Pete's Dad about marrying Hia to P'Pete... And he agreed.... After that P'Pete was asked to come back and he was asked to marry Hia....

Tears fell from both Macao and Chay's eyes... Macao was shivering while crying heavily.... Chay hugged him...

Macao: It' ....Chay....I..was...
selfish... because was...hurt..
Chay: It's not your fault Macao... It's my Uncle's... He has always wanted to destroy P'Pete's happiness ever since he was born... He can't bear to see him happy that's why he sold his own son for money and power.... It's not your fault don't blame yourself....

After a while both of them calmed down... Later they saw Nop approaching them...

Nop: Khun Vegas is here to see you again....

Macao nodded at Nop and all the three of them went to see Vegas.. They reached the hall and saw everyone there... Sin was sitting with Pheonix on his lap... Kinnporsche and Arm were beside him... Khun No and Top were sitting with Kim on the other side... Mike was sitting with Venice on his lap beside Kim... Vegas was trying to talk to Venice who was hugging Mike and has buried his face on Mike's neck.... No matter how much Vegas tried Venice didn't look at him nor talked.... Macao and the two others approached them... They all sat down....

Macao: Why do you want to meet me?
Vegas: I want you guys to come back to Mansion and live with me...
Macao: I told you... I'll come and live with you only if you kick that bitch out of our home...

Vegas didn't liked how Macao talked to him but since Macao was his most cherished brother he couldn't get angry on him...

Vegas: I can't... And I will not... He is my husband.... We got married two weeks ago... You know that... Macao... You are my brother and you know I love you so much... Please come back....
Macao: Love me? Really Hia? If you have really loved me you wouldn't have destroyed my family!!!!!

Macao screamed at Vegas....

Macao: Do you even know how I feel Hia? Because of me P'Pete married you...  and what did you do? You hurted him... And you even killed your child.... Do you know how guilty I feel everyday?
Vegas: What do you mean by that?

Vegas was confused he looked at Macao who was crying....

Macao: After that bitch left you.... It was me who asked Dad to consider P'Pete for your marriage.... Even Dad didn't know who P'Pete is then... And after investigating about him he made a deal with P'Pete's Father to marry you both... P'Pete was forced to marry you.... How many times did I tell you about this? Why didn't you ever listen to me? If you had once listened to me or anyone of us and investigated about it well.... You would have found out about the truth and P'Pete and his child would have still been here with us... You guys were together for almost 2 years... You should have known what type of a person he is but yet you choose that son of a bitch and destroyed my Phi.... I'll never forgive you for this Hia.... I'll never forgive you.....

Macao cried... He has been keeping everything to himself ever since Pete left... His guilt was eating him alive... Everyone's eyes were filled with tears after hearing Macao... They knew all these but when they knew that Macao was blaming himself for Pete's misery it made them feel hurt... Porsche went to him and hugged him...

Porsche: It's not your fault dear... The ones who did this to him will pay for it... Your P'Pete nor anyone here blames you for it love....
Sin: He is right Mac...

Sin also went to him and patted his head like Pete used to do..

Vegas: I'll come again some other time.... Come back home then....

Vegas got up to leave....

Macao: Wait... You don't need to come back.... Dad will come back in a few weeks... Let him make the decision....

Vegas looked at Macao one last time... He then went to Venice who was still hugging Mike and ruffled his hair and pecked his head and left the Mansion....

(At the Minor Mansion)

Vegas reached the Minor Mansion and just got in when he saw Tawan all dressed up....

Vegas: Are you going out?
Tawan: Ohh you are back?

Tawan went to him and kissed his cheeks...

Tawan: Yeh.. I was going out with some friends...
Vegas: Okay...
Tawan: By the way... How was your talk with Macao?
Vegas: Same as always... He doesn't want to come back and still talked about his P'Pete and blames me...
Tawan: Don't worry he is still a child... Pete had him wrapped around his fingers that why he is behaving like that... He will be fine after some time....

Vegas nodded his head... He wrapped his hands around Taiwan's waist and pulled him closer....

Vegas: Can I ask you something love?
Tawan: You can ask me anything...
Vegas: Did you ever lie to me?
Tawan: About what?
Vegas: anything.....
Tawan: Vegas... You are the one I love... I'll never lie to you...

Vegas smiled and hugged him....

Vegas: I know.... I just wanted to be sure...
Tawan: Then I'll go now.... My friends are waiting for me...
Vegas: Okay... By the way.. have you made dinner?
Tawan: No.. We have maids to cook.. and I'm too lazy to cook...
Vegas: Okay... Then bye...

Tawan left after bidding Vegas goodbye.... He got in a car and started driving.... While driving Tawan banged the steering in anger... He was annoyed...

Tawan: What the hell is wrong with him? Has he started doubting me? No... If he did he wouldn't have talked so lovely with me... Moreover he won't believe anyone other than me.. I have him wrapped around my fingers with the so-called love... I feel really sorry for Vegas... he is such a fool to love me and kick out that Pete who cherished him so much.... And that brat... I hope he or any of them doesn't come back... If they come back I'll have to pretend to take care of them in front of Vegas... I'll have to wait till the properties are in Vegas hand and he becomes the leader after that I'll make some issues and kick out both his bastard brother and his so called son out of the family.. And his asshole father.... I have to be ready to deal with him... As for now let's enjoy!!!!!

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