Chapter -30

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Author's POV

Tawan was getting ruined by them... Vegas just watched him helplessly... Vegas's face was red from anger and all the crying.... Pete just looked at Tawan while leaning on the wall having his apple with a smile... Vegas glared at Pete...

Vegas: I'll get back at you for this....

Pete looked at Vegas and smiled...

Pete: You can come at me anytime you want... You are always welcome....

Pete's words made Vegas more furious...  After a few hours the guys stopped.... The started falling asleep... Tawan was laying lifelessly in the dungeon.... He was covered with bite marks and blood was dripping from his hole.... One of Pete's guys banged on the cell... The thugs woke up and they returned to their cell... The cell was back to normal... Tawan was in one cell and the thugs in other... The glass wall also had gone back...

Tawan: I....I'
Pete: Give him some water... His throat is cry from all the screaming and moaning.... By the you know what? They are really filthy... They haven't bathed for months and they were cleaned after fucking last time... And the live in the basement... They used to be my enemy but now I have tamed them....

Pete then looked at Tawan with a mischiev smile....

Pete: Maybe I can tame you and make you my bitch and use you during Buisness or if anyone wants to let some steam off.... But my boys are not as filthy as you so I'll think about using you in business.... Because you like spreading your legs for the filthy rich people right?

Tawan and Vegas glared at Pete like they will burn him.... The guard opened the door and gave Tawan water....

Pete:There is no use glaring at me... You should have thought about the consequences before messing with me and my family... The show is not finished yet.... Let go in shall we Vegas?

Pete entered the cell with the chair... He placed the chair beside Tawan and the guard carried Vegas in his chair and placed him beside Pete... Tawan was lying on the floor while Pete was sitting on the chair looking at him...

Tawan: Just you wait I'll make you pay for this...
Pete: Really? What are you gonna do?

Pete mocked him... Which angered Tawan...

Vegas: Tawan....

Vegas looked at Tawan with Pain in his eyes...

Tawan: Shut the fuck up you asshole!!!

Tawan scream at Vegas which shocked Vegas.... Pete just shook his head and giggled...

Vegas: Baby I....
Tawan: Don't baby me... You're good for nothing son of a bitch!!! You are useless... If it weren't for your money I wouldn't have married you.... But in the end you ended up being a beggar and all my plans failed... I shouldn't have listened to that old asshole Mat and come back to you.... If I hadn't come back I would have lived a rich life and I wouldn't have suffered like this and got raped by those filthy insane thugs!!!!!!

Tawan yelled at Vegas and it shocked Vegas.. His words were like needles which pierced through his heart...

Vegas: saying?

Vegas looked at Tawan in disbelief and started stammering....

Tawan: Can't you understand human language? Has being a beggar affected your brain? I'm in this state because you you asshole...
Vegas: You...were using me? Don't you love me?

A few tears fell from Vegas's eyes... Tawan laughed at him... Pete just sat there looking at their drama....

Tawan: Vegas... You are such a fool... Since you are no use to me and I sufferd because of you... I'll tell you the truth because it will hurt you... You will feel the pain....
Vegas: What do you mean?
Tawan: I never truly loved you Vegas... Since the beginning it was just your status and money that I was after.... But you were so blindly in love with me that you didn't realise it... But your father did... He knew I was cheating on you and was just using you... So he gave me money and send me aboard... He didn't tell you about the truth because he was afraid... He was afraid that if you knew that I never loved you and was using you it will break your little heart... So he told you that I left you wholeheartedly and kept the thing about me cheating on you a secret... I was having a stable life with a sugar daddy when that old lag Mat came to meet me....
Vegas: Pete's father?

Both Vegas and Tawan looked at Pete... Tawan grinned at Pete but he didn't show any reaction....

Tawan: He told me that if I come back to your life and break your marriage he will give me money and I'll be the husband of the future heir of Minor family... He was the one who gave you information about me... I never suffererd all these years it was just a lie made by me...
Vegas: Everything till now was just a lie..?

Vegas looked at him with Pain and betrayal but Tawan was enjoying his misery....

Tawan: You are such an idiot Vegas... You pushed away the people who really cares about you just for me... You father... Your brother... Your family....

Tawan looked at Pete and smirked....

Tawan: Your husband who loved you with all his heart and your unborn child whom you killed with your own hands....

Vegas felt like his whole world was collapsing.... The truth gave him a shoke... Vegas understood everything.... He understood that he messed up his life... He ruined his life with his own hands... He looked at Tawan who was glaring and smirking at Pete and then at Pete whom just looked at both of them expressionlessly...

Vegas: Pete....
Peter: Pete is dead... And you son of a bitch... Who asked you to tell him the truth? I wanted to make him suffer a bit more by torturing the love of his life....
Tawan: That's why I told him the truth.... I know you were hurting me because I am the one he loves but I don't want to suffer because of a beggar like him... I would rather tell him the truth than endure more pain because of him....

Vegas was speechless.... He didn't know what to say anymore... He just sat there like a statue....

Peter: So?
Tawan: Let me go... I'm no use to you... He won't get hurt because of me...
Peter: So what? I never said I'll let you go... You ruined Pete's marriage..
Tawan: was not me... It was your father... It was him... It was him behind everything... You should deal with him first....
Peter: Who said I didn't....?

Pete give a evil smile to Tawan....

Tawan: What do you mean? What did you do to him?
Peter: Nothing much... I kidnapped him a day before when Vegas's father died... I starved him... Starved him to death but bought him back to life when he was about to die.... Then I tied him upside down and whipped him... Then I made some tattoos with my special knife.. Then I plucked his nails one by one... Then I added chilli paste and some salt to his open cuts.... He screamed so loudly and that annoyed me so I cut off his tongue.... The I talked with him.... You know what.... He acknowledged me... He acknowledged me as his son that moment.... He begged me.... he begged me to let him go.... Do you know how much thrill I got while seeing him in that state... He begged me while blood was dripping from his mouth.... Then I laid him down and slowly and carefully took his nerves and veins one by one with my knife.... I made sure not to cut the one that will kill him soon... Then I kept making him regret being born In this world and in the end he couldn't take it anymore.... You know he is too old.... In the end he died....

Tawan was terrified after knowing what he did to Mat.... His own father.... Then what will happen to him.. Pete then looked at Vegas who was in a daze after hearing everything.....

Peter: You brought this upon yourself Vegas... Everyone warned you but you didn't listen... You trusted him more than your family... You killed your own child with your hands... You killed Pete... The one who truly loved you.....

Vegas looked Pete in the eyes.... But he found nothing.... The eyes which used to fill with the love for him were now empty.... There was only evilness in those eyes which was ready to destroy everything.... Pete then looked at Tawan and an evil smile formed on his face....

Peter: You shouldn't have listened to my asshole father Tawan.... Because of your greed many life's were destroyed... If it weren't for you maybe Pete and our child would have been alive in this world.... Now you have to pay for your sins until I'm satisfied.....

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