chapter -12

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Mature content ahead 🔞🔞🔞🔞
I am not really good at writing smut...


Author POV

Everyone was staying in the Major Mansion. Pete entered their room..just when he was about to turn someone hugged him from behind.... He kissed his neck...

Pete: Vegas... What are you doing..?
Vegas: Do you mean it Pete?
Pete: What are you talking about?
Vegas: That you love me and want to be with me....

Pete turned to face Vegas.... He cupped his face in his hands and kissed his forehead....

Pete: I mean it Vegas... I love you... I really do....

Pete's eyes filled with tears... Vegas didn't waste a second and captured his lips with his... Pete returned his kiss... Vegas lifted him up without breaking their kiss and laid him down on the bed and got on top of him... They looked at each other's eyes...

Vegas: Can I make you mine Pete?
Pete: I'm already yours Vegas...

Pete smiled at him and kissed him... Vegas started kissing and sucking his neck... Pete let out a moan... Both of them were naked in seconds... Vegas kept kissing and making marks all over his body making him a moaning mess... He took one of his nipples in his mouth and started sucking it... Vegas inserted 2 of his fingers into Pete's mouth until it was wet.... Vegas started kissing his lips again and inserted his finger into Pete's hole... Pete let out a growl in Pain...

Vegas: Stay with me baby... You will start feeling good soon....

Pete nodded his head... Vegas continued making him strech... Two fingers turned to three then four... He then spread his legs wider.... He then adjusted himself in front of his hole and started sucking his nipples and with a swift move he entered him fully.... He gave Pete time to adjust.... When he adjusted himself he nodded his head giving Vegas Permission to move.... Vegas started moving slowly first but then he started thrusting inside him in insane speed...

Pete: I... I'm.....
Vegas: I told you Pete... I need words...
Pete: I'm... come....
Vegas: Wait for me baby... Let's come together....

Saying this Vegas thrusted a few more times and both of them came... Pete crawled into Vegas's embrace.... Vegas kissed his cheeks...

Vegas: You are mine Pete....
Pete: I love you Vegas...
Vegas: I love you too...

Vegas pulled him closer and started kissing his neck....

Pete: Vegas....
Vegas: The night has just begun baby...

They both didn't stop whole night and enjoyed their time together....

(After a month in the Minor Mansion)

Macao came to the kitchen and saw Pete cooking and went to him and hugged him from behind... Pete turned and returned the hug....

Macao: Good morning Phii...
Pete: Good morning my baby....

Macao started giggling hearing Pete and Pete kissed his cheeks...

Vegas: Hey!!!!

Both Macao and Pete turned to look who is screaming and Vegas rushed towards them and separated both of them and hugged Pete.... Macao started pouting at his brother....

Macao: What are you doing?
Vegas: How many times have I told you he is mine... Stay away from him... His kiss and hugs are all for me....

Vegas glared at Macao who returned the glare.... Pete started laughing seeing the both of them...

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