Chapter -18

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Author's POV

(Later at the hospital)

VegasPete with Macao, Venice, NopSin and Mike came to the hospital.... They went towards the operation theatre and saw all the Major family members standing outside....

Pete: What happened?
Kim: He suddenly had pain and the doctor said he was going to give birth....
Vegas: But there are a few weeks left for his date right?
Pete: It's normal... Some people tend to give birth even 1 or 2 months before...
Top: He is healthy.. he will be alright....

Pete went to Kinn who was sitting in the chai staring at the room... Pete sat beside him and put his hand on his shoulder.... Kinn looked at Pete... Pete has never seen Kinn this worried... He smiles at him...

Pete: Don't worry Kinn... Both baby and Porsche will be fine...

Kinn smiled at him and nodded his head... Chay came and sat beside Pete leaning his head on Pete's shoulder.... He hugged him and kissed his head... He knew that Chay was worried about Porsche... He was too but he had experienced this situation during Alice delivery... So he was calmer than others..... After what felt like hours.. the doctor came out... Kinn rushed towards him... Followed by the others...

Kinn: How is he doctor?
Dr: Congratulations you have a son... Both of them are safe and healthy.... We will move them to a room soon after that you can meet them...

Everyone jumped in happiness... Kinn has tears in his eyes...

Vegas: Hey... Are you crying? You are a grown ass man Kinn....

Kinn looked at Vegas and smiled.... He was happy....

Kinn: You won't know how it feels Vegas... When Pete gets pregnant you will understand... Then we will see who is crying...
Vegas: I won't cry like you...

Vegas smirked and everyone just chuckled... After that they went to the room where Porsche was taken... Porsche was awake and looking at the bundle beside him... Porsche noticed them and tears started flowing through his eyes... Kinn hugged him and kissed his forehead... He then kissed the baby... Everyone felt happy seeing the family of three.... They all took turns seeing the baby and Porsche...Pete's eyes filled with tears... Porsche called Pete towards him.... Pete went and sat beside him... Porsche held his hand....

Pete: I'm so happy for you Porsche...
Porsche: I know... If it weren't for you... I don't know if....
Pete: Stop Porsche!!

Before Porsche could finish Pete cut him off...

Pete: You are my family Porsche... I love you... And I love my little nephew....

Pete caressed the baby's cheeks....

Venice: Pa....Pa....Pa....

Everyone looked at Venice who was in Mike's hand calling Pete and leaning towards him...

Macao: Seems like someone is jealous....

Everyone looked at Venice who was pouting and they laughed... Pete took him from Mike and made him sit on his lap...

Pete: Venice look... He is your baby brother...

Venice's eyes were fixed in the baby... He pocked baby's cheeks with his small finger... There was a big smile on his face and he started giggling happily....

Chay: He like him....
Khun: He sure does...
Top: I've talked with the doctor... You will have to stay at the hospital for the next few days... I've already got everything ready for you here...
Porsche: Thank you P'Top....
Khun: Hey!! Why are you thanking him? I'm the who asked him to arrange everything...

Khun started sulking....

Too: Yes... He has been bugging me since a month to get everything ready at the hospital in case of an emergency.... And it actually did...
Kim: So there is a piece of brain somewhere in that muddy head of yours....
Khun: You!!! Bastard!! You have a muddy head!!!
Pete: Khun language.... There are kids here!!! And Kim don't tease your brother....

Pete said sternly which made both the brothers shut their mouth....

(After a while outside the room in the corridor...)

Kim: Why did you ask us to come P'Pete?

Kim, Kinn and Pete were standing in the corridor away from everyone....

Pete: I need to have a talk with you guys...
Kinn: Sure...

Pete looked at both of them and smiled...

Pete: Thank you for talking care of my brother's and giving them so much love....
Kinn: Why are you thanking us Pete? It's what we should do....

Kim didn't say anything and just looked everywhere except Pete.... Pete looked at him and chuckled....

Pete: Kim... I know something is going on between you and Chay... You guys are too obvious to not notice.....

Kim tuned red and he chuckled akwardly....

Pete: Actually the thing I want to talk to you guys is about my dad....
Kinn: About Uncle?
Pete: You guys know what type of a person he is... I'm afraid he might do something to Porsche or Chay because of me... So I want you guys to be cautious....
Kim: Does this have anything to do with your marriage to Vegas?

Pete was taken aback by the sudden question but he had to answer...

Pete: Yes.. It does... My dad... He threatened me with Sin,Chay and Porsche's life... Porsche was pregnant and I couldn't take a risk... If I didn't agree to the marriage you guys wouldn't be able to get married and he will harm Porsche... That's why I agreed to it.....
Kim: You just sacrificed your life and happiness for them P'Pete...
Pete: They are my happiness Kim... I lived till today just to protect and love them... I'm willing to give my life for them.. My dad has been really quiet all this while after my marriage which is making me doubt him...
Kinn: What do you want us to do?
Pete: I wouldn't have involved you guys in this... Because in the past... I didn't have any reason to live... I would have just end my life for them... But now I have found a reason to live... And I want everyone to be happy like this... I don't want to risk anyone's safety.... So I want you guys to keep an eye on everything....
Kinn: Don't worry Pete... We will protect Our family.... The three of us together....

Pete smiled at him and nodded his head. 

Pete: We will...
Kim: P'Pete.... Is Vegas... your reason to live?
Pete: Yes... He is....

Pete didn't hesitate to answer him.... Pete's face shows his love and sincerity....

Pete: Not just him... Macao, Venice,You,Kinn,Khun,the baby,Porsche.... All of you are... I never thought of having a family... But now I have... And one big Happy happy.... It's my reason to live Kim... And I don't want to lose it....

Tears felled down from his eyes.. Kim hugged Pete... So did Kinn...

Kinn: You are our family Pete.. and You will always be...
Kim: Don't worry we will Protect eachother and our family....

After breaking the hug they returned to the room.... But they didn't know that someone was hearing all there conversation....

Vegas's POV

I saw Kim and Kinn following Pete outside.... I wondered why so I followed them.... I saw them standing at the end of the corridor... Even though I was a bit far... I could hear them because there was no one else other than us in the whole floor of the hospital.... I heard each and every word they said.... So I'm the reason for him to live...  He loves me... Pete loves me... He will do anything for me... He will kill and die for me... But what about me Pete? What do you expect from me? What will I do for you?

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