chapter -7

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(Next morning Pete woke up on the bed...)

Pete: What time is it?

(Pete gets up and realises that he is not on the floor but on the bed...)

Pete: how did I come up here?
Vegas: I got you there....

(Pete looks at Vegas who just came out of the bed...)

Pete: Ohhh but Why?

(Vegas gets close to Pete and palaces his hand on Pete's forehead)

Vegas: Your temperature is normal now.. you had a fever last night So i got you on the bed...
Pete: Oh.. thanks.... It's pretty late... I'll go and get the breakfast ready....
Vegas: No need... I'll do it....
Pete: it's okay... I can... You have to go for work...

(Saying this... Pete hurriedly gets inside the bathroom to get fresh....)

Vegas:(angry)What's with him? I was trying to help them why did he reject it?

(Pete gets freshened up and goes downstairs to the kitchen.... He saw Vegas in the kitchen making breakfast...)

Pete: what are you doing?
Vegas: Making breakfast...
Pete: Let me do it...
Vegas: You are injured.... Take rest... I'll do it....
Sin: Pete.... I'll make breakfast... Vegas?

(Sin came into the kitchen and saw Vegas making breakfast and Pete standing beside him...)

Vegas: Pete go and wake Macao or else he will be late for class...
Pete: Okay....

(Pete left the kitchen.... Leaving Sin and Vegas there....)

Sin: Let me help....
Vegas: What does Pete like to have?
Sin: Why want to know?
Vegas: He is my husband... Can't I ask about him?
Sin: Ohh really? He is your husband? Sorry I didn't knew....

(Vegas gets angry and gets The knife and places it on Sin's neck...)

Sin:(angry)What are you angry about? You never treated him as your husband.... He was just like a toy for you... You hurted him since the 1st day....Do you think you are the only one who is suffering because of this marriage....🔥🔥🔥🔥 He is suffering since he was born... And now even after he got married he is suffering.... But yet that fool is thinking about others more than himself.....🔥🔥🔥

(Vegas let's go of Sin... Both of them calm down)

Sin: Pete hates coming to Thailand because of his father.... It was your father you proposed this marriage.. His dad asked us to come back... After we came here he said Pete is going to get married.... He didn't even know you... But you blamed him for everything... Before causing all these shit... Shouldn't you atleast try to find the truth..

(Sin left the kitchen and Vegas stood there thinking....)

(During breakfast)

Macao: P'Pete how are you feeling? Are you okay now?
Pete: I'm good... Thank you for asking dear...

(Pete smiles at Macao and ruffles his hair... Vegas looks at Pete's face.... He is memorized in Pete's smile)

Macao: Hia...Hia... Hia...

(Vegas didn't realise Macao was calling him... He was busy staring at Pete...)

Vegas: mm yes...
Macao: I know he is your husband but you don't need to stare at him like this... As if you will eat him....
Vegas: Shut up Macao... Finish the food and go to class.... And Pete take your medicine and go to bed...
Pete: I... What about lunch?
Vegas: There are maids to do it... Just rest....
Macao: Listen to Hia P'Pete... You should rest and recover fast...
Pete: okay...

(After breakfast in the room...)

Vegas: What are you doing?
Pete: Getting the blanket to sleep on the couch...

(Vegas gets close to Pete and picks him up....)

Pete: What are you doing? Put me down...

(Vegas gently places Pete on the bed...)

Vegas: Starting today sleep on the bed... If i ever see you on the couch or fool you know what I'll do... Now sleep.... I have some files to go through...
Pete: Ohh okay....

(At night... Pete got ready for bed and got on the bed to sleep.... Vegas came out of the bathroom and saw Pete sleeping... Vegas got on the bed... Vegas kept staring at Pete's back... After a while Vegas got close to Pete and hugged him...)

Pete: Vegas... What are you doing?
Vegas: Hugging you.... Just sleep....
Pete: I...but....okay...

(Vegas turns Pete towards him and stares in his eyes... And gently caresses his cheeks... Pete is shocked...)

Vegas: I...I am sorry Pete.... I'm sorry for hurting you... I just realised that I misunderstood you.... Please forgive me..
Pete: I...
Vegas: i know you can't... But don't push me away... Please... Give me a chance... let's try to get along with each other...Just do that for me...
Pete: Mm okay....
Vegas: I'll never hurt you again... I promise.... Now get some sleep....

(Vegas keeps staring at Pete's lips...)

Vegas: Pete.... Can I....kiss you?
Vegas: I just can't control myself... Please..

(Pete nods and Vegas leans towards Pete and gently places his lip on Pete's... Then he pulls back and both look at each other and Vegas leans again and kisses him... This time he doesn't pull back... They both kiss each other passionately... Vegas bit Pete's lip and Pete opened his mouth for Vegas to enter.... Vegas enters his tongue and tastes Pete... And then pulls apart....)

Vegas: Let's sleep...
Pete: Mm...

(Vegas pulls Pete toward his and makes him lay on his chest and gently caresses Pete's hair... After a while both of them drift to their dreamland....)

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