chapter -16

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(After a few days)

Vegas's POV

Me and Arm came back from work and I saw Macao sitting on the floor trying to make the baby talk... The baby is sitting on Mike's lap(Mike minor family bodyguard).... Sin and Nop are looking at baby curiously... The little brat has started crawling recently and he tries to get up on his own while holding onto something... I think he will soon start walking... I looked around but I didn't spot Pete... I then went towards them....

Macao: Hia.. you are back...
Vegas: Hi everyone...

I looked at the brat in Mike's lap who was looking at me and showing his hands asking me to take him... But I just grinned at him and stuck my tongue out at him... And he frowned and puffed his cheeks... He was annoyed but he looks cute with those puffed cheeks...

Vegas: Where is Pete?

I asked them and kept looking around to spot him...

Nop: In your room Khun...

Something's worng... Pete has been behaving weird recently... He doesn't come out of the room much... And he hasn't been to work too... I have to talk with him... I nodded at them and made my way towards the room... I opened the door and saw Pete on the balcony smoking... I don't remember seeing him smoking before.... I kept my bag on the couch and went towards him... I hugged him from behind... He stiffened at first then he relaxed in my arms... I nuzzled my nose into his neck....

Vegas: I didn't know you smoke...
Pete: I smoke once in a while... Just to think straight....
Vegas: Is something bothering you? Want to have a talk?

Pete turned and faced me...He Looked into my eyes... His eyes showed how weak he was... He looked so sad... I just hugged him tight and caressed his back...

Vegas: I'm here... Take your time....

We stayed like that for what felt like minutes...

Pete: Let's talk...
Vegas: Okay...

I took Pete into the room... He sat on the couch and I sat beside him... He turned to look at me...

Pete: Actually... It's my sister's death anniversary in a few days...
Vegas: Sister? You had a Sister?

This is a new information for me... I have never heard him having a sister...

Pete: Yeh.. She is quite older than me and Porsche... She was like 9-8 when I was born... I lost my mother pretty soon after my birth... You know what type of person my dad is... I only had her Vegas... She took care of me and Chay and Porsche... She was just like a mother for us... I.. I...was dependent on her... She kept me... safe from my father... She was everything to me Vegas.....

Tears were flowing continuously through his eyes when he started talking about his sister... I wiped his tears with my hand and caresses his cheeks...

Vegas: Then what happened to her?
Pete: She killed herself....
Vegas: Why?
Pete: Because.... Because .... Because of my Dad.. He forced her to marry an old man... One of his business Partners... She refused... He locked her in her room for many days.. She was starved... And one day when I opened the door I saw her on the bed with her wrist cut blood all over the bed and floor..... I.. I... was... stunned... I didn't know what to do.... I just kept staring at her... In a daze... Until Sin came into the room... He shook me.. trying to get my back to my senses... And informed the others.... Next thing I know is my vision got dark and when I opened my eyes again I was in my room with a crying Porsche, Chay, Arm and Sin...

Pete was shivering... He chocked on his words.... He just kept crying..... I didn't know what to do... I just pulled him for a hug and drew circles on his back while kissing his head...

Pete: I..lost her... I lost ...her.... I lost my sister Vegas.... I lost her....
Vegas: Just let it out... I'm here...

He kept crying for what felt like hours... And some time he felled asleep while crying and I took him to bed... After making sure that he is comfortable on the bed... I took a shower and went downstairs... I saw Sin with the baby in his arms and Nop feeding him... Mike looking at him attentively with adoration.... The baby has the three of them wrapped around his fingers... I looked around and saw Arm settings the table for dinner and Macao helping him...

Arm: Khun Macao... I can do it myself...
Macao: P'Arm how many times do I have to tell you Don't call me Khun... I'm younger than you... Just call me Macao and I am not a child.. I can help you with these...

Macao said and took the plates but the plates slipped from his hands and broke... It's piecees were scattered all around them... I was about to go to Macao but the scene I saw stunned me... Arm picked up Macao in a bridal style and took him towards the dinning table and made him sit on the table... Macao's ears were red he must be blushing and he was looking down not making eye contact with Arm...

Macao: I'm sorry...

Macao said in a small voice with guilty... Arm stood in front of him and held his chin with his hand and made Macao look at him...

Arm: It's okay... Don't get down from the table until I say so.. okay?
Macao: I can help you clean up...

Macao said enthusiastically and tried to get down but Arm didn't let him and then he flicked on Macao's forehead which made Macao whine and Arm chuckle...

Arm: Stay here naughty boy...

Okay... Is he flirting with my younger brother? Or is it the other way around? Arm left to clean up and Macao is blushing like a teenage girl who got attention from her crush... His face is red with all the blushing... We need to talk... Actually Arm is a nice guy.. he is smart and strong... But I can't just give my brother to him... What if he is using him against me? Just like how I did with Pete? No I won't let anyone hurt my brother....

Sin: What are you looking at?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise Sin standing behind me... I almost Pointed my gun at him...

Vegas: You almost scared me...
Sin: You were so lost in your thoughts... What were you thinking...?

He looked me wanting to know what happened...

Sin: Is Pete okay?
Vegas: He is... By the way where is that brat?
Sin: He fell asleep... Nop and Mike took him to his room....
Vegas: Ohh... About Pete... Is he always like this...?
Sin: Like what?
Vegas: About his sister...

I saw how Sin looked so worried and sad after hearing it...

Sin: He told you...
Vegas: Mm...
Sin: Considering his condition now he is doing better than the past couple of years.. Usually he locks himself in his room and doesn't eat or sleep... But this time he is not like that... I think it's because of you and the baby....
Vegas: Me?

I was kind of confused... What does it have to do with me? I just got to know about it.....

Sin: Because he loves you Vegas... He really does... After his Sister's death he never let himself be dependent on someone.. He has been shouldering everything himself... But now he is dependent on you Vegas... Because of the love he has for you... I have never seen Pete like this before... He never got to know what a family feels like... But now he has one.. he has a husband a brother and a child... He has people whom he can call his and those who will stay with him forever....

Sin's words made me realise many things... From the time I met to till the time I just saw Pete... How his expression... His behaviour everything changed... How his eyes which used to be empty are filled with emotions now... It shows how much he loves me and my family....

Sin: Vegas.. Do you really Love him?

I was taken aback from his studden question....

Vegas: What?
Sin: If your are just using his feelings... Let me tell you... You are making a great mistake...

Sin looked at me sternly.... He was serious....

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