chapter -2

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(Later at Pat's office....)

Pat: Have a seat dear....
Pete: Okay uncle...
Pat: Would you like a drink?
Pete: Sure uncle...

(Pat hands him a glass of whiskey...)

Pete: Uncle what do you wanna talk about?
Pat: Pete... About the marriage... You don't have to do it... I'll talk to them...
Pete: Uncle... You know your brother right... He will do anything to get things the way he wants...
Pat: But you are hus son Pete and this is your life how could he do it like this... At least he should let you both spend some time together instead of arranging your marriage in a week....
Pete: He is doing it so that no one could interfere in it later...
Pat: Pete I know your feelings towards your dad... But don't hate him... He must be doing this for your good...
Pete:(chuckles)My good? Uncle is it really you saying this? You helped me run away from here in the past... Why did you do it Uncle?

(Pat stays silent and looks at the drink in his hands....)

Pete: You know what he does.... I would have killed him... I'm not doing it just because you love your brother and he is my father.... But if he crosses the line I won't hold back..... I just want to let you know about this....
Pat: Mm... I understand....

(Next morning.. The Theerapanyakun reached the Kissit Mansion.... They can hear someone screaming...)

Macao:(giggles)Seems like P'Pete is trying to catch Chay...

(They enter the Mansion and see Pete Chasing Chay... Vegas eyes locks at Pete and he keeps staring at him...)

Vegas:(shit! Why am I staring at him like this???)
Pete: Come here Chay...
Chay: No I won't....
Pete: You are cheating... Come back here..
Chay: Noo...
Pete: I'll catch you brat....
Macao: P'Pete....

(Pete looks on his side and sees a group of people looking at him and smiling... Seeing their smile he realised they saw everything.... Pete went towards them and Macao jumped into his arms...)

Vegas:(he is like a Ball of sunshine... Is it real or...??)
Macao: Is Chay messing with you?
Pete:(Pouts)Yeh... We were playing games in the phone and he was about to lose so he snached my phone and run away...
Vegas:(he looks cute when he pouts..)
Macao: You look cute when you are pouting....
Pete: Hey baby brother... You seem to be really happy... What happened?
Macao: I'm really happy because you are going to be my brother in law....
Pete: Yeh... Right....
Macao: This is my brother Vegas... Hia this is P'Pete I used to tell you about...
Pete: Hii..
Vegas: Hi...
Pete: Welcome Khun Korn and Khun Khan....
Khan: We are going to be me dad and him uncle okay?
Pete: Oh..Sure...
Khun: So bad... Did you forget me Pete?? I'm hurt....
Pete: How can I forget the most beautiful person?

(Khun hugs Pete...)

Khun: See only he has an eye for a beauty...
Kim: You mean beauty like Annabella?
Khun: Shut up Kim!!
Pete: Hii... Kinn... Kim...
Kinn: Hi Pete... Haven't seen you for long...
Pete: me too and congrats Man.....

(Kinn also hugs Pete.. Then Kim...)

Mat: Ohh You guys are here... Come in... It seems that you have already met Pete... Come in let's talk while having breakfast.....
Macao: Did you make the breakfast?
Pete: No...
Macao: I miss your cooking...
Kim: Me too...
Kinn&Khun: Me too....
Pete: You guys like cookies right? How about i bake some for you?
Khun: Okay... Let me help you...
Korn: Do you want to burn down the house ?
Khun: Pa... How could you say that..

(Everyone laughs....)

Macao: He is telling the truth...
Khun: I don't want to talk to any of you... You all are bulling me... Pete see they are bulling me....
Pete: No one will bully you okay? Now let's go and have breakfast and I'll bake your favourite almond cookies... Okay?
Khun: You are only person who truly love me Pete... I don't want to give you to anyone but since he is my brother I'll give you to him...
Vegas: He is not your Property....
Khun: He is....
Pete: Khun... Stop it okay... Let go... Let go everyone....

(They all walk towards the dining room...)

Macao: P'Pete... I want chocolate cookies...
Kim: I want caramel cookies...
Pete: okay....
Porsche: If you are baking I want some too...
Kinn: Hey baby....

(Kinn hugs Porsche and gives a peck on his cheek...)

Khun: Hey... Lovebirds.. there are others here too... Okay?
Pat: Why are you all standing... Have a seat....
Pete: Arm... Can you go and Check if there are all the ingredients for cookies? If there is anything needed... Send someone to buy it...
Arm: Okay....

(Everyone gets seated and starts having breakfast... They talk about the things related to marriage in a few days.... Pete is busy talking with Khun and Macao and Vegas is focusing on Pete...... )

Kinn: Have you fall in love at first sight?
Vegas: what do you mean?
Kinn: I saw you looking at him as if you will eat him up right there...
Vegas: I will eat him up soon...😏😏
Kinn: Why do I feel a chill hearing it from you...
Vegas: He has taken everyone in his hands.... Even Kim... I have never seen him talking about  his private life and other things to anyone other than Macao and Chay... And Macao he hates being called a baby... But when he called him baby he was giggling like a high school girl....
Kinn: Pete has always been the caring and loving type... Once you get to know him well you will realise it.... Vegas I know what you are thinking but please don't hurt him... He is a nice person...
Vegas: (You know me pretty well... So you should also know my decision...) Fine...😏😏😏

(While they were eating.. Sin comes and whispers something to Pete...)

Pete: Excuse me everyone... I've something to deal with... Please continue your breakfast I'll be back in a few minutes....
Mat: Are you going out?
Pete: No... I got a call I'm going to answer it...
Khan: Go ahead dear...

(After having breakfast... The adults were chatting with each other and Pete,Sin and Arm are baking cookies for them... So all of them went to the kitchen.... Macao sees Arm is stunned seeing him.... Arm is not wearing his glasses and he is wearing casual clothes...)

Macao: I didn't know he was so hot before..
Vegas: who?
Macao: No one...
Macao: P'Pete do you need any help? My brother also cooks really good...
Pete: Ohh really... It's good to hear that but I don't need help dear... I already have two here....
Pete: By the were is Nop I didn't see him...
Macao: Ohh.. he has some errands to run.. he will here later...
Vegas: How do you know Nop?
Pete: He came here a few times with Macao...
Vegas: Ohh...
Pete: I forgot... You may not know them... This is Arm and this is Sin they are my personal bodyguards...

(After that they all started talking about random things and continued baking... Then Nop came to the kitchen....)

Pete: Hey Nop...
Nop: Hi.. Khun Pete...
Pete: I told you not to call me Khun it feels werid... We are of the same age..
Nop: Okay...
Arm: Hi Nop...
Nop: Hii Arm... And Hii Sin...
Pete: Hey he is greeting you... Where are your manners?
Sin: mm... Hi...

(Vegas looks at them suspiciously... Nop has a sad face and Sin has an annoyed face..)

Vegas:(whispers) Am I missing something? What's with them?
Kinn: You didn't know?
Vegas: what?
Kinn: Nop has feeling for Sin.... Everyone knows it... But he never confessed... As for Sin... He is not interested in anything other than Pete.. he is like Pete's shadow and is not interested in relationship...
Porsche: Poor Nop....

(Pete finished baking and everyone enjoyed having the cookies... After a while the Theerapanyakun left....)

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