chapter -5

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(A few hours ago....)

(In the company....)

Khan: The meeting is over and you should go back home now... You just got married yesterday and you came to work... It isn't good... Go now...
Vegas: Ok dad...

(On the way back home.... In the car..... Vegas is looking outside the car window and Nop is driving......)

Vegas: Nop...
Nop: Yes Khun...
Vegas: How well do you know him?
Nop: Who Khun?
Vegas: Pete...
Nop: Ever since Khun Macao went to their house.... And I have seen him sometimes when I sent Khun Macao to school....
Nop:(hesitate) Khun...
Vegas: Mm...
Nop: I know I don't have the right to say it.... But... Khun please don't hurt him...
Vegas:(smiles) why do you think I'll hurt him?
Nop: I have known you for a long time Khun...
Vegas:(chuckles) If you know me well... You should know what I'll do right?
By the way... Why would you say it?
Nop: Because he is a Nice person... I've known him for quite some time and I know some things that even Khun Macao or Chay or Kim know.....
Vegas: What do you mean? Someone like him who keeps a freaking smile on his face?
Nop: that smile is just a mask...
Vegas: what?
Nop: He uses it to make sure that no one will know what's happening to him... Others won't know if he is in pain or sad or suffering.... They will only see a smile on him...

(Vegas suddenly remembered the scenes that happened in the morning... Pete was covered in wounds but when Macao jumped into his arms... Pete kept his smile he didn't show any Pain in his face....)

Vegas: How do you know?
Nop: Because I saw him once...
Vegas: Saw?

(Vegas looks at Nop as he continues....)

Nop: It was during his high school years I guess... I went their home with Khun Macao.... He went to see Khun Chay... Sin and Arm were out of the Mansion so he asked me to call Pete... I went to his room... It was opened.... I knocked on the door he didn't answer so I opened it a bit wide and Saw him laying on the floor.... I went to him and picked him up... He got conscious and the first thing he told me was..." Don't let anyone know"
and and helped him to his bed and he called the doctors.... Next thing I saw I'll never forget...
Vegas: What?
Nop: They took off his Tshirt and his whole body was wounded.. there were bruises, scratches and some severe wounds... They started treating him and I went to Khun Macao and told him that Pete went out and that I needed to do something and I went back to Pete... and when the doctor left he asked me to sit beside him... I asked him what happened... He told me..."just a little punishment for a mistake... I'm used to it don't worry.... Just keep it between us don't let the kids or anyone else know about this..." He was still smiling then... He told me that Sin and Arm knows about this.... After that Sin came to me and we talked and he told me that... Pete gets punishment for every single mistake he makes... Not matter if it's small or big or even if doesn't make any... He is just a puppet that is used to vent their emotions...... He has been through a lot more than we can imagine..... I don't want him to go through more....
Vegas: Whose side are you Nop?
Nop: What do you mean Khun?
Vegas: Is it Me or Pete?
Nop: My loyalty lies with you Khun... Till the end....
Vegas: Then what about Sin? Don't you like him?
Nop: I do... But i can't have him...
Vegas: Why?
Nop: Sin is like Pete's shadow.... He took an oath to be by his side, even if he die he will still be by his side.... And he give up on having any other relationship...
Vegas: But he is here now.. you can make him fall for you and keep him with you...
Nop: I don't think so.....
Vegas: Why?
Nop: Like I told you... Where Pete goes he goes... And I don't think Pete is going to be here for forever....

(Vegas didn't say anything and started looking outside the window again and Nop continues.....)

Nop:(sighs) Even if he falls for me.... I don't think he will choose me in the end...

(After Nop finished his words.... The whole ride back home was silent.... Vegas didn't say anything and went to his room so did Nop.... Nop opened his room and saw 2 people inside)

(Present time)

Pete: Nop you are back?
Nop: Khun Khan asked Khun Vegas to take a few days off...
Sin:(angry)He better don't do anything or else I will make him pay...
Pete: Shut up..
Nop: He did this?(pointing at Pete's wounds)
Sin:(angry)Who else could?
Pete: Sin Stop it... Nop didn't do anything...
Sin: I'm angry because he didn't do anything....

(Nop stays silent and looks down apologetically..)

Pete: Fuck you Sin... Will you go against your master?

(Sin becomes silent and looks at Nop...)

Sin: Sorry Nop I lost control over myself when I saw him like this... I'm really sorry...
Nop: It's okay... No need for you to apologise....
Pete: Sin go downstairs and gets some water for both of us...
Nop: I'll go...
Pete: go..
Sin: Okay...but what about your bandages...
Pete: Can you help me with it Nop?
Nop: Sure....

(Sin leaves the room and Pete sits on the bed and Nop sits beside him and starts treating him... )

Pete: I'm sorry for the way he behaved...
Nop: It's okay I don't mind...
Pete: You really love him so much do you?
Nop: Mm... I do...
Pete: Nop... Can you promise me one thing?
Nop: What?
Pete: Promise me that you will take care of him and protect him forever...
Nop: But he doesn't want me....
Pete: He does Nop....Sin is not a person who will show his true self to anyone but he does in front of you... It's because he trusts you... He like you but he is a fool you can't understand it.... Do you remember when you once came to our house during the wedding arrangements a maid spilled coffee on you and tired to flirt with you.... You should have seen Sin's face... He was ready to kill her right then.... I never saw him like that....
Nop: But when the time comes will he stay by my side?
Pete: I don't know... But turst me he will do anything for the ones he loves.... If that day comes I'll make sure he lives with the one he loves...
Nop: what about you?
Pete: I'm ready to let go of him anytime... I don't want him to spent his life with me like this... I want him to find his happiness his love... Family.... That's the only thing that matters for me...
Nop: It reminds me of that day...
Pete: which day?
Nop: The day I saw you unconscious for the first time....
Pete: yeh it was some what like today...

(Pete and Nop started talking casually.... All this while Vegas was listening to them....)

(A few minutes ago...)

( Vegas was going to his room... On his way he asked a BG about Pete and he told him that he was in Nop's room.... On his way there Vegas saw Sin leaving the room.... When he reached the door he heard them talking and he stood there listening to them....)

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