chapter -6

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Pete: Thanks for helping me with the bandages Nop... I will go and make dinner then....
Nop: I'll help you with it....
Pete: Sure...

(Pete and Nop went to the kitchen where Sin was and they started preparing for dinner...)

(Later in the evening Macao came back home and went to Pete and he saw them preparing dinner...)

Macao: Let me join to...
Pete: It's okay... It's almost done.. go and fresh up dinner we be ready by then... And here you go have these cookies while going to your room...
Macao: Thank you P'Pete I love you....
Pete: I love you too... Now go and fresh up....

(During dinner....)

Vegas: Where is dad?
Nop: Khun Khan went to his friends for dinner.....
Pete: Nop, Sin have a seat I'll serve...
Nop: We...?
Macao: Come sit P'Nop and P'Sin

(Vegas is sitting next to Macao and Sin is sitting opposite Vegas and beside him Nop... Pete is serving food for them.. Pete serves Macao some soup... Macao was going to gulp them all down but Pete stopped him...)

Pete: Drink slowly it's hot okay?
Macao: Okay...
Vegas:(hot?😏 Didn't Nop say you are good at pretending to be okay? Let's see your skills....)

(Pete went near Vegas  and served him... Pete was about to move when Vegas tripped the bowl Pete was holding and the hot liquid fell all over Pete... Pete screamed.... Nop,Sin and Macao rushed towards him)

Vegas: Shouldn't you be more careful... Look you got yourself hurt....
Sin: You!!!

(Sin was about to say something to Vegas in anger but Pete stopped him.... Macao started Crying seeing Pete in this condition.... But Pete smiles at Him...)

Pete: Hey.. why are you crying?
Macao: You are hurt Phii...
Pete: I'm fine... Look at me do I look like someone in Pain....

(Pete smiles to assure him... Macao started to sob...)

Macao: Take your shirt off... Let me see if it got burned...

(Nop, Sin and Pete look at each other because Pete is burned and on top of that there are bandages on him from earlier.... If Macao sees it... It will be a problem....)

Pete: I'm fine really...
Macao: P'Nop call Dr.Top... tell him to come right now... Please....
Pete: Okay..okay... Nop call him... Don't cry okay?

(Pete hugs Macao but he pushes him back....)

Macao: (sobbing)You are...hurt.. Phii... you...are hurt....
Pete: okay... Please don't cry....

(After a while Dr.Top arrived.... Pete was taken to their room and Top entered...)

Top: I heard you got burned... Take off your shirt...

(Pete takes off his shirt.... Top looks at the bandages on him and the skin burnt...)

Top: These bandages?
Pete:(chuckles awkwardly) Will you believe me if I say I tripped and hurt myself?😅😅😅
Top:(sighs and raises an eyebrow) Will you believe me if I say that I got my doctor's degree from the super market?

(Top opens his medicine box and takes off the bandages from Pete's body..)

Top: He did it?
Pete: How do you know?
Top: I've known him for quite some time.. so I know what type of a person he is.... I thought something like this may happen but I couldn't believe he actually did it to you.... Let me guess this burnt... It's also him right....
Pete: Mm... Don't tell anyone about this...
Top: Why? Did you fall in love with him that you are enduring all this?
Pete: No... It's not because of that.... You saw Macao... I don't want to hurt him.. if yours or my family gets to know it.m things will get worse...
Top: How long are you going to keep it a secret? One day everyone will know... Do you think that will make them less sad?
Pete: I know... But I want to keep it a secret for now.... As long as I can... Enough about me... How is everyone at home?
Top: Good... Everyone is a bit troubled because of Porsche...
Pete: What happened to him?
Top: Mood swings.... Kinn is having a hard time... I heard.... He made Kinn go out At midnight because he was craving for some street food or something....
Pete: I pity him...
Top: It's done... Don't let it get wet for 2-3 days and here are some medicines... Take them on time and.. have your meals on time...
Pete: Thanks for help P'Top
Top: It's my duty as your brother and a doctor... And don't worry I won't tell them..but take care of yourself and keep this in mind... We are always there for you Pete... Our whole family love you... You don't have to endure all of this... You can be weak sometimes... We will be here for you...
Pete: Thank you Phii.... Thanks for everything....
Top: Now take rest... I'll ask them to bring your dinner here...
Pete: Okay Phii...

(Top left the room and went downstairs where everyone was waiting for them...)

Macao: How is he Phii?
Top: He is fine.. just need some rest for 2-3 days... Make sure he eats his meals and medicine on time....
Sin: Thankyou Dr.Top..
Top: It's my duty.... Vegas can you send me off to the car?
Vegas: Sure....

(Vegas and Top reached Top's car...)

Top: Why are you doing this?
Vegas: What did he say to you?
Top: Do you think he will say something? I'm a doctor I know how these wounds are caused... So tell me why?
Vegas: None of your business....
Top: Fine... It's none of my business but if the others get to know about this what do you think they will do? What if Macao knows?
Vegas: You dare tell anyone...
Top: Do you think I'm scared of you? I would have called and told everything to everyone if it was not for him... He asked me to keep it a secret.... Vegas listen to me... You are making a mistake... It will be too late when you realise it... At least don't hurt him...

(After saying all these Top leaves the Minor Mansion.... After that everyone had their dinner and went to their rooms... Vegas went to his room and saw Pete sleeping on the floor covered with a blanket... He sat on the bed and stared at Pete's face....)

Vegas:(what the hell are you Pete? You make me want to hurt you and once I hurt you I feel weird... I feel sad... But when i see you smile despite the Pain you are going through it makes me want to hurt you more...)

(Vegas suddenly thinks of their first night together... And stares at Pete's body...)

Vegas:(Your body.... It's so nice that it makes me crazy.... The first time I saw you in our wedding suit... I just felt the urge to strip you right there and eat you up.... But... I don't want to have anything to do with you.... I have someone I love... He... He will be back soon.... I don't believe that he would leave me just because my father offered him money... He loves me... My dad must have threatened him....)

(Vegas keeps staring at Pete and Pete moves in his sleep and the blanket that was covering him moves to the side and reveals Pete's body... Pete is just wearing his shorts... There are bandages on his chest, stomach and thighs... Vegas gets down on the floor and looks at the beautiful creature laying in front of him... Vegas gets turned on just seeing him like this... Vegas gently touches Pete's lips with his thumb... Pete locks on his thumb and fuck it makes Vegas harder.... Vegas's dick is poking his pants for a release.... Vegas makes sure Pete is asleep and he again presses his thumb into Pete's lips and Pete licks it again and Vegas slides his finger into Pete's mouth and Pete licks his thumb again and again... Vegas couldn't take it anymore and he took off his pants and boxer and started jerking off himself.. Pete licking his finger.. his naked body.. his round ass all made Vegas more turned on as he thinks about doing everything to him.... And at last Vegas released on his hand... Vegas took his finger out of Pete's mouth and Pete pouts..)

Pete:(sleep) I.... want more....
Vegas: You want more?
Pete: (sleep) more... Ice cream... I want cream...
Vegas: Cute...

(Vegas smiles seeing Pete pouting and asking for ice cream in his sleep... He then covers Pete with the blanket...)

Vegas:(smiling)What should I do with you Pete? You thought my finger was ice cream shouldn't I be angry about that? But I find it cute...  What are you doing to me Pete?

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