chapter -9

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(After a few days... In Vegas office)

Nop: Khun Vegas... Dr Top is here....
Vegas: Okay... Take him to the room Pete is there.... I'll be there in a while...
Nop: Okay Khun Vegas...

(In the room.... Top enters..)

Top: How are you doing Pete?
Pete: I'm good...
Top: Lay down... I'll do the check up...

(Pete lay down and Top was doing his check up...)

Top: Your wounds have healed... You are good now... You don't need to take medicine anymore...
Pete: Okay.... By the way can you check on Vegas too?
Top:(confused) Vegas? Did he get hurt?
Pete: Yes...
Top: Where?
Pete: His head!!

(Top laughs hearing Pete...)

Pete: Why are you laughing? I'm serious...
Top: Okay... Why do you think he hurt his head?
Pete: Since that night when you came to treat me... He has been acting weird...
Top:(serious) weird? how?
Pete: He is treating me well... Take care of me and......and....

(Pete turns red and this makes Top want to tease him...)

Top: And what? If you don't tell me I won't be able to help....😏😏
Pete: He is treating me as his husband... As his.... know.... Those things too...
Top: What things?😏😏

(Pete gets really embarrassed and looks at Top who is smirking at him... )

Pete: P'Top you know what I mean.... Don't tease me... Please...😳😳

(Top bursts into laughter.... And Pete turns completely red...)

Top: Maybe he fell for you?
Pete: Do you really think someone like Vegas will turn like this in a few minutes...??

(That question made Top think.....)

Top:(he is right... Will Vegas change suddenly like this?)

(Top was lost in his thoughts....)

Pete: P'Top are you okay?
Top: I'm... I was just thinking... Maybe he changed... Isn't it good? He is not hurting you anymore and he is taking really good care of you...
Pete: Mm... it's true...
Top: Since there is nothing else... I'll get going...
Pete: wait a sec...
Top: Is there anything else?

(Pete turns red and plays with his fingers... Top raises an eyebrow and Pete sighs)

Pete: Can you tell Vegas that I need to rest a for a few days?
Top: Why?
Pete:(nervous)It's... Just tell me I can't do  physical activities...
Top: 😏😏😏 physical activities right?
Pete: You know what I mean... Just stop asking.... Or I'll die of embarrassment..

(Pete covers his face with his hands and Top Chuckles and pats his head... )

Top: okay I'll tell him... Then I'll go now...
Pete: Okay... take care on your way back...

(After a while Vegas comes into the room and sits beside Pete on the bed...)

Vegas: You should take rest.... Don't move around too much and if you need anything let me or someone else know... Okay?
Pete: Okay...

(Vegas gives a peck on Pete's forehead and Pete smiles.... Vegas then gets on the bed and lays on Pete's lap...)

Pete: What's wrong?
Vegas: headache...

(Pete gently caresses Vegas's hair and pecks on his forehead and Vegas smiles... Then he points on his cheek..)

Vegas: It's hurting here too.. Kiss...

(Pete smiles and kisses his cheek then he points at his other cheek...then his jaw then his nose then his forehead and then his lips... Pete pecks on his lip but Vegas grabs on his neck and deepens the kiss.... They kissed for what felt like hours and then Vegas fell asleep hugging Pete's waist....)

Pete: You look quite cute when you sleep...

(Next day... In the morning... Pete was sitting on the couch reading a book when Macao came rushing and lay down on his lap giggling like a small kid...)

Macao: P'Pete....
Pete: Yeh baby...
Macao: Chay and Kim are coming... They miss you...
Pete: Ohh really.... Then I'll make some snacks for you all....
Macao: Really?
Pete: Yeh.. what would you like to have?
Macao: How about Macarons?
Pete: Since three of you like it I'll make it....
Macao: Thankyou P'Pete... You are the best....

(Macao gives a peck on Pete's cheek and Pete ruffles his hair.... Suddenly they hear someone shouting)

Vegas: What the hell are you doing?!!!

(Pete and Macao jumped in shock because of the sudden noise.. No and Sin rushes to the room hearing the noise.... Vegas suddenly grabbed Pete's arm and pulled him into a hug....)

Vegas:(jealous)I told you he is mine... How dare you kiss him and Lay on his lap? Go and find one for yourself...
Macao:(angry)Hia his is not just your husband he is my Phiii too....

(Sin and Nop are enjoying seeing the siblings fighting for Pete....)

Pete: Stop it both of you....
Vegas:(angry) You!! Shut up! How can you let someone lay on your lap and kiss your dimple.... You are my husband... You are mine.... I'm the only one who is allowed to do it....
Kinn: What an over possesive dog!!!

(Everyone looks in the direction and sees... Kinn,Porsche,Chay and Kim coming towards them...)

Vegas:(angry)Who are you calling a dog?
Kinn:😏 Whom do you think?

(Vegas looks at Pete and slides his shirt from his shoulder...)

Pete: What are you doing?

(Before Pete could say anymore... Vegas bite hard on his shoulder...)

Pete: Vegas what the hell are you doing? It hurts...

(Pete was yelling and Others were looking at them in shock... "Literally what the hell was Vegas doing???" Everyone thought.... Pete could feel his teeth burying his shoulder... After that Vegas pulled away... Leaving a mark on his shoulder....)

Vegas: See this Mark... You are Mine... Only mine... Understood?
Pete: Have you gone crazy?
Vegas: Pete... You are mine... Fine... I'm over possesive... But you are mine... I don't want to share you with anyone else...
Porsche: He may be your husband but he our brother too?
Others: Yes!!

(Vegas glares at him and Porsche returns the glare... Pete bursts into laughter seeing all of them being jealous and possessive over him.... Pete looks at Vegas and cups his face and looks into his eyes...)

Pete: I'm your husband Vegas... I'll always be till the day I die...

(Saying this Pete gives a peck on his lip and Vegas turns red.... He started blushing....)

Kim: Are you blushing?
Macao: Yuck!!

(Vegas gets embarrassed and hugs Pete and buries his head in his neck....)

Pete: Stop it... Don't tease him...
Porsche: All right we won't....

(Everyone laughed and smiled at all that happened.....)

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