Chapter -17

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Author's POV

Vegas was about to reply but they suddenly heard a scream... Both of them looked at each other... And said at the same time...

Vegas & Sin: Pete!!

Even Macao and the others were shocked hearing the sudden scream... They all followed Vegas and Sin to their room... They opened the room and saw Pete sitting on the bed looking at his lap... There was sweat all over his body and face... He was mumbling something... He was sitting there like he was possessed by something..... Sin went to him and knelt on the floor beside him....

Sin: Pete... Look at me... Please Pete... It's me Sin...

Pete snapped back to reality.... He looked at Sin.... Kept staring at his face... Then tears started flowing through his eyes... Sin hugged Pete and patted his back.... Pete closed his eyes and cried.... He hugged Sin back and started crying loudly....

Pete: I...I....lost them.... I lost.... I lost them...

Pete stared shuttering while crying...

Sin: What did you lost Pete?
Pete: I....I lost I lost my baby Macao.... I lost you....I lost Arm... I lost Porsche....I lost Chay... I lost Uncle...I lost Khun.... I lost everyone.... I lost... My love.... My Vegas.... I lost everything.... Everyone left me.... I lost...

Pete just kept shuttering it again and again.... He was not in his right state of mind.... Macao was crying seeing his P'Pete like this.... Even Mike and Nop had tears.... Vegas stood there staring at Sin and Pete.... Sin broke the hug and cupped Pete's face.....

Sin: Pete open your eyes and look at me...
Pete: No...No... I'm sacred... I'm sacred... I'm scared you will disappear... When I open my eyes.... No.... Please....

Sin couldn't control his tears.... He took a deep breath to control his sobs...

Sin: No... I won't disappear.... Look... No one has gone... Everyone is here... You baby Macao is here.... You baby is here... I'm here.... Your friends Nop and Mike and Arm are here... And your love.... Your Vegas is here... Open your eyes Pete.... Belive me... They won't disappear.... Please open you eyes... They are real... They are here... Everyone is here.... Please Pete...

Pete gradually calmed down... He then slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sin who was kneeling in front of him...

Sin: Look everyone is here....

Pete looked at the door and saw everyone looking at him....

Pete: Mac....

Pete whispered and Macao jumped into Pete's arms... Pete hugged Macao as if his life depends on him...

Pete: My baby... My baby Mac....

Tears kept flowing through his eyes....

Macao: It's me Phi... Your baby... I'm here... Don't worry I'll never leave you...

Pete nodded his head at Macao and looked at the others and smiled... Then he looked at Mike who is carrying the baby...

Pete: Mike... The baby...

Mike went forward and handed the baby to Pete... Pete looked at the baby with so much love and pecked his forehead and lips... He then pecked Macao's forehead.... He then looked at Vegas and motioned him to come... Vegas went and sat beside Pete... Pete caressed his cheeks... And smiled through tears.... And pecked his lips.... The baby stood on Pete's lap and hugged him... Pete smiled and hugged him back...

Pete: I thought I lost you guys... I thought I lost my family.... it's not a dream right?
Vegas: It's not a dream Pete...
Macao: Phii we are here... It's not a dream...
Arm: Pete are you okay? What happened to you?
Pete: I just had a dream... I saw I was in a dark room and one by one everyone left me... I was alone... I kept hearing my dad's words... How much he hates me... How he cursed me that I'll never be happy.... He said I'll never be happy... I'll never find my love.... I'll never have a happy family.... Because I don't deserve any of this... His words kept repeating and I couldn't take the pain... And someone kept hitting me... I was bleeding... But I didn't die... He said I'll never die and I'll suffer forever....

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