Chapter -21

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(A few moments ago)

Pete's POV

Vegas was pointing his gun at me... I can't believe everything just happened... He never loved me... All this time the person I loved and wanted to have a family with was just making a fool out of me... He made me want to live... But now he is destroying my will to live...

Pete: Vegas.... Do you love me?
Vegas: Don't show me your face ever again.....

Vegas pointed his gun at my face... I don't care if I die but not now... It's just not about me... I've a life inside me... I'm carrying my child... I'll kill or get killed to save my baby... Vegas then pointed his gun at my belly....

Vegas: You don't deserve to carry my child!!!

His action broke the last straw of hope in me... it was too late for me to move... I was sick and weak and all the things that happened just now made me numb... I couldn't move.... He shot the bullet... I covered my belly with my arms and knelt... The bullet passed through my right chest... I kneeled and fell on the floor with my arms around my belly... My Vision got blurry... I could feel blood flowing through my chest..  I heard another gun shot... The next thing I saw was Arm in front of me covering me with his body... I saw blood flowing through his arm... and I lost consciousness....

Author's POV

Arm went out in the morning to busy Macao his favourite freshly baked donuts... He just came inside when he saw Vegas pointing his gun at Pete... No one noticed his presence... Before he could say anything Vegas shot Pete... Arm without thinking for another second rushed towards Pete... He saw Vegas pointing at Pete again... Before Vegas could shot him again... Arm came in between and the bullet got hit on Arm's shoulder... Pete lost consciousness in Arm's arms.... Everyone was shocked and freaked out....

Macao: P'Pete!!!! P'Arm!!!!

Sin freaked out... He felt his whole world collapse in front of him... The two people whom he considered his family were shot in front of him... Sin and Macao went towards them... Sin took Pete from Arm and tried to stop his bleeding... Arm was clutching on his shoulder but he was just looking at Pete with his teary eyes... Macao hugged Arm while crying his heart out....

Sin: Nop...Get the car...we need to take them to the hospital... Now!!!
Vegas: No one is going anywhere!!

Vegas yelled... Nop looked at Vegas...

Nop: Khun Vegas... I'll always be loyal to you... But today I won't listen to your orders..
Vegas: How dare you disobey the leader Nop?!!
Macao: You are not the only heir of this clan and don't forget Dad is still the one who has the say in this house!!!! P'Nop get the car fast... We have to take.them Now...

Vegas was shocked seeing Macao yelling at him in Pain and anger.... Nop went to get the car... All the bodyguards of the Minor family who were there helped to take Pete and Arm to the hospital... Vegas was stunned... No one obeyed him... Not his brother nor his bodyguards... Sin and Nop took Arm and Pete to the hospital.... Macao with Mike and Venice followed them in another car... On their way to the hospital... They called the others and informed them about Pete....

(Later at the hospital)

Arm's injury was not serious so he was discharged after getting his wound treated... Pete was in the Operation theatre... It's been an hour... All the Major family members and Porsche's father reached the hospital... They have been waiting for Pete outside... Arm and Sin looked dead... They just held each other's hand and stared at the door... They didn't talk no matter how much the others tired to make them talk... Macao and Chay were sitting there crying... Kim and Khun and Top were consoling them... Pol and Mike were carrying Pheonix and Venice... Venice face turned red because of all the crying and he fell asleep because of the tiredness... Kinn had engulfed a broken Porsche in his arms who was blaming himself for Pete's misery.... Pat(Pete's Uncle/Porsche's father) stood there hoping he will be fine.... After a few minutes the door opened and the Doctor came out.... Everyone surrounded the doctor...

Top: How is he?
Dr: We are really sorry... We were only able to save the father... The baby didn't make it.....
Porsche: No!!!!!

Porsche screamed.... Sin and Arm collapsed on to the floor.... Macao and Nop hugged them....

Dr: He lost a lot of blood and on top of that he was weak because of his fever... He will be taken to a room in a while you guys can meet him there later....

After talking with Top about his condition for a few minutes the doctor left.... After a few hours Pete was shifted to a room... Everyone went to the room and saw Pete staring at the ceiling... Pete looked at door and saw everyone.... Porsche went towards him and held his hand....

Porsche: I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry Pete.....

Porsche cried while holding Pete's hand... Pete just stared at his face... Arm and Sin came to his side... Pete both of them then at Arm's shoulder... Arm understood his stare...

Arm: Just a small injury...

Pete looked at everyone.... They all talked with Pete but he didn't say a word... He just looked at them in a daze... Mike bought a sleeping Venice near Pete... Pete ruffled the little ones head... Then the doctor came to check on and asked everyone to leave the room....

(Outside the room)

Pat: How is he doctor? He didn't talk to us...
Dr: Pete has been like this since he woke up... He didn't talk even when we asked him questions about his condition... He just nodded his head... I think loosing his child has made a great impact on him... It will take time for him to recover....

They doctor left after talking with them... Sin and Arm decided to stay with Pete and Everyone else returned back. Macao, Nop, Venice and Mike went back to Major Mansion... They decided to stay there for the time being...

(After 3 days)

Pete was sitting on the bed while Sin was feeding him...

Sin: Macao and the others will come to Visit you in the evening... Venice was crying all night because he couldn't seeing you... Arm has gone to company...

No matter what Sin said Pete didn't respond... Pete hasn't talked to anyone in the last 3 days... Even to Venice... Pete just swallowed the food Sin gave me.... Just then the door opened and they saw the Person they never expected to see... Sin got up and bowed to him....

Mat: We need to talk....

Sin understood what he meant he looked at Pete...

Sin: I'll be waiting outside call me if you need anything....

Sin left the room... Mat(Pete's father) came close and gave Pete a file... Pete opened it...

Mat: Sign it....

A smile formed on Pete's face after reading it....

Mat: I heard you have gone mute... It's good now I don't have to listen you talk back to me....

Pete closed the file...The smile on his face didn't left.... He looked at the Person in front of him....

Pete: It was you.. Right?

Pete talked... Pete talked after 3 days....

Mat: Ohh you talked?
Pete: It's you....
Mat: What do you mean?
Pete: It was your plan from the beginning.... You made me marry Vegas... And now you are giving me this divorce papers.... You just wanted his shares... You just wanted his money and Power... It was you who brought Tawan back right?

Mat stared at Pete with a frown... Then he suddenly laughed...

Mat: I didn't expect you to be smart... Seems like you do have some of my genes... Yes..It was me... I am the one who bought Tawan back to Vegas... That leech is thirsty for money he will do anything for money... He left Vegas for money and now he came back to Vegas for money.... Vegas is such a fool to love him... And do you know who the biggest fool is? it's you... Because you love him...

Pete did say anything because he knew his asshole of an father was right... Yes..He was a fool... actually he is the biggest fool because he loved Vegas....It was the truth that he can't run away from....

Mat: take your time and Sign the papers... Vegas will be happy to divorce you and marry that leech... Send it to me after signing it....

Mat left the room... Pete leaned back on the bed and looked at the papers in his hands... It was the thirst for Money and Power that destroyed his life and happiness.....

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