Chapter -22

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Author's POV

After he left... Sin came inside the room.. He saw Pete sitting on the bed lost in his thoughts with a file in his hands... Sin sat beside him and took the file from him... After reading the file he looked at Pete...

Sin: This..?
Pete: Don't you think that I'm pathetic?

Sin was a bit stunned hearing Pete talk to him after days... Pete just stared at his face...

Sin: Pete....
Pete: I don't understand why he is doing this to me... He took Mom from me... He took my sister from me... He treated me like shit... He forced me to marry Vegas.. And when I found a bit of happiness in my life... He destroyed it... He bought Tawan and took Vegas from me.... He took my child...
Sin: Was your father behind all this?

Pete nodded his head...

Pete: What did I do wrong? I don't understand... Was being born my fault? I never had a choice... Then why do I have to go through all these?

Sin teared up hearing Pete.... He has seen what Pete has been through.. Even now Pete was not crying... He was sitting there like a statue...

Sin: Don't keep it in... Just let it out... I'm here for you.. I'll always be here for you...

Sin hugged Pete and patted his back... Tears fell from Pete's eyes... He cried... After bottling up everything for the past three days... He let it out... He hugged Sin tightly and cried his heart out...

Pete: I....I Child.... I lost my.... child... Sin... I lost...him.... I lost.... everything.... I lost.....

Pete Kept crying for what felt like hours... After that Sin helped him lay down on the bed...

Pete: Sin... Do me a favour.... Burn this file and get a new one... I don't need anything from him other than divorce...
Sin: Okay... Don't worry I'll deal with it...
Pete: And one more thing....
Sin: What is it?
Pete: I am leaving....
Sin: What? But where to? To Vin and Alice?
Pete: I guess... I haven't decided yet.... I'll go to them first... Then I'll decide...

Sin looked at Pete... He was hesitating.... But in the end he decided... He looked at Pete...

Sin: I...
Pete: No!

Before Sin could say anything Pete stopped him...

Pete: You are not coming with me...
Sin: But...
Pete: I will never make you choose between us... I didn't get my happiness but I want you to be happy...
Sin: But how can I be happy without you... You and Arm are my only family....
Pete: I know... But there is someone in your heart right? I know he will let you go with me... But that will make you both sad...Even the reason for your hesitation was him right? If it was in the past... You would have asked me to pack my belongings but today you didn't.... You choose him...

Pete was right.. It was the first time when Sin hesitated for something related to Pete... He always choose Pete no matter what it was but today he hesitated...

Sin: I... I'm sorry...

Pete held Sin's hand in his....

Pete: There is no need to apologise to me... I'm happy that you finally found the one for you... And I want you and Arm to stay here and Protect them...
Sin: What do you mean?
Pete: Since I am not divorcing Vegas with the conditions my father asked... He is going to be angry and when he knows that I have left he will try to harm you guys to make me come back... So I want you both to Protect yourself and the others....

Sin nodded his head determined...

Sin: Don't worry we won't let him harm anyone anymore.....

Pete smiled at Sin and nodded his head...

Sin: Then... What about Vegas? Are you really just leaving like that? Will you come back ?
Pete: Don't worry I'll be back... I'll make everyone Pay for what they did to me but not now... I'm not in right state of mind... I'm afraid... I'll do something that I'll regret later....
Sin: I understand...
Pete: Tell Vegas that I'll come back and make him pay for everything and also tell uncle that I won't hold back anymore.....

Sin understood what he meant and he nodded his head.... He didn't want Pete to leave like this but he knew that Pete needs time to gather himself... Loosing his love and child had a great impact on him...

( Next day at the Minor family)

Vegas's POV

I came back home after a long at at the company... I just want to take a shower and lay on my bed... I looked around and it was silent... It's been really silent for the past few days.... Just like how it was before I married Pete... No.. I shouldn't be thinking about that bastard... He ruined my life.. he took Macao from me and even Nop and Mike my most trusted bodyguards..... They have been staying at the Major Mansion ever since the incident.... Even Dad... He called me after knowing everything and yelled at me and told me I'll regret everything... The hell with regret!! If it wasn't because he and Pete took Tawan from me... I would have lived a happy life now...

Guard: Khun....

I was in my room when a bodyguard came to me with a file...

Guard: It's an urgent file... It's divorce papers... Khun Pete sent them...

I took the file from him... He wants divorce? I'm more than happy to do it... I checked the contents and took the Pen from the guard... But before I could sing it Pete's face came to mind... When he smiled... When he sulked and cried.. He face when we had sex... His face when he was embarrassed.... I felt a bit of relief thinking about him... How is he? No...No....what the heck? He means nothing to me nor the dead child he carried...  I signed the papers and give it back to him... The guard left with the papers... I layed down on the bed... It feels a bit lonely.... Did I go too far? I killed my own child... Just as I was thinking my phone rang... I took and it was my love of life...

(On call)

Vegas: Hello...
Tawan: Hii love... Where you missing me?
Vegas: I'm.. I really miss you Tawan...
Tawan: Don't worry... I'll come tomorrow on the morning flight... Will you come to pick me up?
Vegas: Of course... I'll be there...
Tawan: Byee... Love you...
Vegas: Love you too....

(Call end)

I looked at the picture on the side of my bed... It was a family photo we took a few months before... There was me,Pete,Macao, Venice, Mike, Sin,Arm and Nop... If it weren't for Pete... Tawan would be the one with me now...The Pain he went through is nothing compared to what Tawan had to go through because of him and my father..... He deserves it... He deserves every Pain I gave him... Losing the child must have made him understand the consequences of messing with me.... I hate you Pete... I'll hate you for the rest of my life....

Author's POV

(Next day at the Major Mansion)

Porsche: What the heck are you saying?

Porsche yelled at Sin... Everyone was there at the Major Mansion except Vegas and his Dad who was still abroad....

Sin: It's true... He left....
Chay: But he didn't even tell us...
Sin: He knew that you guys won't let him go after everything that happened....
Porsche: But he...

Porsche and Chay were crying... Their husbands consoled them....

Sin: He told me to tell you that... He doesn't blame you guys for anything... You don't have to blame yourself Porsche... The only one he blames is Vegas and his bitch... He also told me to tell you guys to be careful...
Kinn: What do you mean?

Sin told them about what happened at the hospital between Pete and his father...

Sin: When Pete's back he will show everyone who hurt him what hell feels like... Including his father... Porsche tell your father to be ready...
Nop: Why didn't you go with him?

Everyone looked at Nop who was staring at Sin....

Sin: Isn't it obvious? Moreover he wanted me to stay and Protect everyone....

Sin smiled at Nop which made Nop tear up... He never thought that Sin would choose to stay with him... Everyone was happy for them and worried about Pete....

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