chapter -4

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(During breakfast)

Khan: By the way... Your BG Sin will come later... I have got him a room ready...
Pete: Dad if you don't mind... Can you let him stay in Nop's room...
Khun: Nop?

(Nop looks at Pete and he winks at him... Nop blushes...)

Khan:(smiles) Okay... I don't mind them having a relationship...
Pete: Dad you knew?
Macao: Of course he does....
Pete: You told him...
Macao:😅 I don't know what your talking about....
Vegas: Have your breakfast... You are going to be late...

(After breakfast... Vegas and Khan leave for the office and Pete drops Macao at University.... There he meets... Kim,Chay and Arm...)

Chay: Phii!!

(Chay and Kim hug Pete... It hurts Pete but he doesn't say anything and smiles... Kim notices it....)

Pete: Hii kids.. you should go now..or else you wil be late...
Chay,Macao,Kim: Okay..bye...

(They left...)

Arm:😏How was your 1st night?
Pete: don't remind me about that.... Arm I need your help with something...
Arm: Name's done..

(They talk for a while...)

Arm: Okay... I'll bring everything I get to you....
Pete: Thanks Arm...
Arm: Take care of yourself okay?
Pete: Mm... I'll go now... Bye...

(At Minor Mansion.... Pete sees Sin talking with the bodyguard....)

Sin: You are back?
Pete: Mm..let me show you your room...

(Pete takes him to the room)

Pete: It's your room and Nop's....
Sin: Nop? I'm sharing a room with him?
Pete: Yeh...
Sin: Can I change?
Pete: No...
Sin: You did this?
Pete:😅 I don't dare... Can't you give him a chance... He has been waiting for you for a long time...
Sin: I don't care about anyone other than you.... I just want to be by your side and protect you....
Pete: You know me right... I can tell you love him.... You are hurting him and yourself.... I know you care about me but I want you to think of yourself to .. your happiness to... You know how I am living my life... I don't know when I'll die... But when i do I want someone to be by your side to take care of you... Or else I can't die in peace.... Please Sin... I beg you...

(Pete's eyes fill with tears.... Sin couldn't understand what happened to him... He has been working with him since they were 8 but he has never cried in front of him like this.....)

Sin: What happened? Why are you?
Pete: Will you do it or not? Will you give yourself a chance?
Sin:I....Fine..I will...
Pete: I'm happy for you.... I know you won't go back on your word... I can die in peace....
Sin: enough with this dieing shit!! What happened?
Pete: What do you mean?
Sin: Pete don't play fool.... I know you like since birth... It won't take to much time for me to tell that something is wrong with you....
Pete: I....(should I tell him or Not?)
Sin: Don't think.... Tell me right now!!
Pete: Fine.. I give up... I'll tell you....

(Pete tells everything that happened yesterday to Sin....)

Sin:🔥🔥 That piece of shit!! How dare he... I'll kill him right now!!!
Pete: No Sin!!!
Sin: Why the fuck are you stopping me? After what he has done to you?
Pete: I can't Sin... He is my husband... I can't.... Vegas is like another version of my asshole father...... There is no use going against him...
Sin: Pete how long are you going to endure all this? First it was your dad now him... Why? Why do you care about others than yourself?
Pete: Because I love them.... I couldn't do anything to my father because uncle loves his brother.... I love uncle... I couldn't hurt him.... As for Vegas... Macao love him... Vegas is like whole life for him.... I can't hurt him... Macao is not just like a brother for me... But more like a son... I can't see him getting hurt because of me...
Sin: You could just get a divorce... It won't hurt anyone....
Pete: I wish I could.... But do you think my father and Vegas will let go off everything after the divorce? They are the same type of people they won't.... My dad sold me off for his selfish goals... Do you think he will let me get a divorce? As for Vegas.... He think that I was the reason for his lover to abandon him... Will he just let me get a divorce?
Sin: Why does all this shut happens to you?
Pete: I don't know.... Maybe in my last life I was really a asshole....
Sin: But you are not in this life... So why?
Pete: Who knows? Listen to me... Don't let anyone other than you or Arm know about this okay? Especially... Macao, Chay,Porsche and Uncle... I don't want them to get hurt.... Uncle and Porsche have been blaming themselves for my marriage.. I can't let them get hurt more because of me....
Sin: But how long?
Pete: Maximum until Porsche gives birth.... I don't want my problems to hurt him or the baby.... If I am still suffering and can't find a solution by then... I'll just move on with the divorce...
Sin: I know you very well.... You will endure everything for them.... Promise me... Promise me that you will end everything once the baby is born....
Pete: I promise you Sin... I promise... You have to promise me to that you won't let anyone know about this...
Sin: Fine I promise....
Pete: enough will all these shit... Make yourself comfortable.... After that we will go shopping.... I want to make some food for Macao....
Sin: Okay... By the way... Have you treated your wounds?
Pete: Yes I did....
Sin: I'll change your bandage later... You will get sweaty after all that shopping...
Pete: Okay...

(After a while.... They both went shopping.... They came back after a few hours.... And both of them went to Sin's room....)

Sin: Take off your clothes... I'll get the medicine....

(Pete takes off his clothes and is wearing only his boxers.... Sin comes with the first aid...)

Sin: What the hell??!!!!! Is this your small wound? Your whole body is wounded...
Pete: Stop Screaming and change the bandages....
Sin: Shut the fuck up and lay on the bed... I am not saying more just because you are hurt.... Don't challenge my patience....
Pete: Yes boss!!

(Pete laughs and lays down on the bed..
Sin started applying medicine to his wounds.... Suddenly the door opens... Pete and Sin startled because of the sudden noise....)

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